Category Archives: Faith

My Unexpected Response

I had an appointment with my ENT this morning, where I thought we were going to schedule my second sinus surgery.  I didn’t want to have this surgery.  I’ve been praying for healing, but I’ve been making preparations for my kids in case I have the surgery because that’s what moms do.

The doctor came in, reviewed the results of my CT scan, and said he didn’t think the surgery was necessary yet.  I started crying.  What??  Yep.  I started crying.  I’ve basically had a sinus infection for six months.  Last April when I had the surgery, I … Read the rest

It’s Simply Fact

Easter 2008

My kids love Jesus.  I’m not saying that as a bragging mother (well alright, a little), but it’s just a fact – to them especially.  Facts about the Bible are exactly that to them – facts.  They share them as openly as what they ate for breakfast.  There is no embarrassment, no awkwardness, no concern that they might offend anyone.  The thought that someone else doesn’t know about Jesus or even (gasp) love Him is astonishing to them.  They are a constant encouragement to me that I need to be just as bold with my faith. … Read the rest

Growth Requirements

The Parable of the Sower has popped up a few different times lately, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot.  In order to hear and understand the Word of God, we need to be good soil, ready for the seed.  My thought process then makes a turn and asks, “What does it take to grow a seed?”  Many of you didn’t grow up in Esmond, Illinois (so sad for you) surrounded by fields and farms.  So we’ll go with grass.

One of the requirements for grass to grow is sun.  There is a patch of grass in our front … Read the rest

Can You Take My Order Please???

I stopped by Arby’s today to pick up some lunch for Chad and I.  The line was slow, the wait was long, and people were growing more and more irritated.  I’m not exactly sure why, but when people around me get impatient, I tend to get more patient and smile at them.  It probably bugs them.  But I remembered something Pastor Stan says regularly: when there’s a fire, you can either throw a bucket of gasoline or a bucket of water on it.  There was a fire in the Arby’s line, and most people were getting refills of gasoline.  One
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Five-Star Friends

Chad and I found ourselves a Sunday where neither of us is on worship team, so we decided to visit Sonrise’s North campus for the first time.  Today ended a series called The Me I Want To Be, with the message titled “Deepening My Relationships”.  Pastor Brandon gave a really awesome message, and in it gave five characteristics of the friends you need in your inner circle (my term, not his).  They are:
1. Devoted to maturing in Christ
2. Someone who brings out the best in you
3. Unconditional love and loyalty
4. Speaking the truth even when it’s … Read the rest

Santa vs. Jesus

Alright friends.  With Christmas around the corner, and decorations already here, I feel compelled to warn you of something.  We don’t do Santa Claus with the kids.  GASP!

We’re not robbing them of their childhood.
We’re not forbidding them to mention his name.
But we’re also not lying to them.

Alright, that last one might have been a little mean.  It’s just interesting what I’ve read and heard from other parents who feel SO strongly that Santa Claus is an essential part of childhood, and those of us who don’t participate are some how neglectful.  Chad and I have just … Read the rest

The Prayers of a Seven Year-Old

For the last few nights, after we pray for Grace at bed time, she has asked if she can pray too.  She thanks God for her day and tells Him all the fun details, thanks Him for us, asks God to help Chad and I feel better and to keep her brother and sister from getting sick.  It’s so sweet.  I tend to call her sensitive and emotional, but the fact of the matter is God made her with a tender heart.  She’s caring and empathetic in a way I don’t see in most adults.   In a way I … Read the rest

My name is Janna, and I am… weak.

For those of you who don’t know me very well, I can be… kind of stubborn.  Alright I’m really stubborn.  Sometimes my stubbornness is good, and sometimes it hurts me.  My most recent example of the latter occurred at a staff retreat to a middle school camp.  There’s a climbing wall with four different levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, and ridiculous.  My pride decided “You can do that hard one, Janna”.  So I tried it and got all of five feet off the ground.  It felt like being kicked in the gut.  So I then moved on to the … Read the rest

What’s Your Lovie?

Ada, her Grandpa, and her lovie

My kids have blankets lovingly made by their grandma.  They’re their most prized possession.  When we travel they come with us.  They have to be weaned off of taking them everywhere just like a pacifier.  Eli’s is even so valued that when his tummy hurts he puts it in his shirt because it will make him feel better.  They want them when they’re tired, sick, hurting, when they get shots… it makes them feel better.  And their love shows in these blankets.  Eli’s has been sown back together so many times it looks rather … Read the rest