Five-Star Friends

Chad and I found ourselves a Sunday where neither of us is on worship team, so we decided to visit Sonrise’s North campus for the first time.  Today ended a series called The Me I Want To Be, with the message titled “Deepening My Relationships”.  Pastor Brandon gave a really awesome message, and in it gave five characteristics of the friends you need in your inner circle (my term, not his).  They are:
1. Devoted to maturing in Christ
2. Someone who brings out the best in you
3. Unconditional love and loyalty
4. Speaking the truth even when it’s uncomfortable
5. Good listener

I, like I’m sure most others there, found myself thinking through my friends.  Who are my five-star friends? Who is in my life right now who meets all of these requirements?  I decided who they were, then thanked the Lord for them individually.  I am blessed by these women in every opportunity I have to spend with them.  They challenge and encourage me as a mom, wife, and believer.  I love them.  They are my Fort Wayne family.

Do you have five-star friends?  I encourage you to figure that out.  If you don’t have any, get some!  And if you do, tell them.  Invite them into your inner circle.  Invite their openness and honesty.  Invite their prayers in good times and bad.  Bless them whenever you can.  Pray for them whenever you think of them.  We’re not called to walk this road alone.

Thank you, Jesus, for my friends.

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