Growth Requirements

The Parable of the Sower has popped up a few different times lately, so I’ve been thinking about it a lot.  In order to hear and understand the Word of God, we need to be good soil, ready for the seed.  My thought process then makes a turn and asks, “What does it take to grow a seed?”  Many of you didn’t grow up in Esmond, Illinois (so sad for you) surrounded by fields and farms.  So we’ll go with grass.

One of the requirements for grass to grow is sun.  There is a patch of grass in our front yard by the road that doesn’t get sun once the tree fills up with leaves.  More accurately, there is a patch of dirt.  The grass won’t grow.  We need sun also.  We need God’s blessings to remind us that He loves us, and likes to love ON us like any good Dad does.  He likes to see us smile.  He likes to hear us laugh.  He likes it even more when we turn it around to bless and praise Him. My favorite scripture right now is:
     “But I trust in your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in your salvation.
     I will sing the Lord’s praise for He has been good to me.”
     Psalm 13:5-6

Another requirements for grass to grow is rain.  There is another patch in my front yard that doesn’t get any shade, so without regular rain it turns brown and hurts to walk on bare foot.  We need rain also.  We need a little rain here and there to remind us that we can’t get through life without Jesus.  We can’t do this alone.  We can’t rely on our own strength.  We need Jesus.  I need Jesus.  I love reading through the book of Psalms – David is the master of turning to God when it rains.  It’s a good book, I recommend it.

And one final requirement for grass to grow is fertilizer.  We have a landscape company that takes care of our grass (not mowing, we’re not completely lazy!), and once a month they put fertilizer on the grass to help it be stronger.  Sometimes … we just get crapped on.  Those times where we are brought to our knees crying, pleading with Jesus.  Those times where we are broken.  Those times where no one can put us back together.  THOSE are the times where Jesus rolls up his sleeves and really gets to work.  When we have no choice but to run to him and collapse in his arms, that is when healing truly takes place, and we have a growth spurt.
     “but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces 
     perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”  Romans 5:3-4

I want to be a woman of character, and full of hope.  Growing can hurt, but it’s better than the alternative.