Wednesday Wit: February 23, 2011

Ada: I know how to say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Me: Good job!
Ada: I pledge allegiance……. under God, invisavle…..  Did you know that God is invisavle?!? (I think she means invisible)

This conversation has been edited….
Ada: Why do daddies have hair in their armpits and mommies don’t?
Me: Mommies have hair there too, but we shave it all off.
Ada: Why?
Me: Because someone decided a long time ago we didn’t have enough work to do.
Ada: So when I’m an ee-dult (that’s how she says adult) Eli will have hair in his armpits but I won’t?
Me: Yes.

That’s all I got.  So I’m opening it up to you… what have your kids said this week that made you laugh out loud?

One thought on “Wednesday Wit: February 23, 2011

  1. Love the armpit hair story…. very, very funny! That Ada…. so, so observant! ๐Ÿ™‚

    So…. the other day, Scott and I were playing "Clue" with Isaac (notice: a VERY adapted version, making the game appropriate for a four year old…. not the good ol' "Professor Plum murdered so and so in the Study with a Rope" version!) If you know the game, you know that there is a "Mrs. Peacock" and there is also a red game piece that is "Mrs. Scarlet." At the end of the game, Isaac picked up the red piece and shouted:

    "OH! There is Mrs. Redcock!"

    Also, throughout the game, Isaac and I called Scott, "Mrs. Pee-cup". Yep, definitely good for a laugh!

    It may not be funny to anyone else, but it sure was funny to me at the moment! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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