Wednesday Wit: September 29, 2010

My Karate Kids

We decided to have supper at Friday’s, and the waiter was being goofy with the kids.
Eli: You’re funny.
Waiter: No you’re funny.
Eli: No YOU’RE funny!!
Waiter: NO YOU’RE FUNNY!  Funny looking!
Eli cracks up
Ada: He lies.  (with her usual straight-face, dry delivery)

We make pizza once every week or two, and when we do we have a picnic in the living room and watch a movie together.  After Eli finished, he laid back with his feet on the footstool, patting his belly.
Eli: I’m glad I’m a human.
Chad: Read the rest

Missing Body

Warning: Curves Ahead

Warning men: female content ahead!

I had a doctor appointment yesterday, and after I was weighed, we discussed my weight loss.  She said, “Are you at your desired weight?  Because I would say your BMI is just fine.”  Music to my ears!  From a DOCTOR!!  The truth is, I am at my desired weight, but I’m not at my “desired body”.  She said, “Well, that’s why plastic surgeons have jobs.”  Really?  That’s my best option right now?  Because I would rather get back to my pre-baby shape through Weight Watchers and the Y.  Is she telling me … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: September 22, 2010

Grace, 3 years old

I was trying to explain “college” to the kids, and dorms when we were driving to Purdue with Sheri.
Me: It’s like a building full of bedrooms, and there’s one for girls and one for boys.
Grace: Why don’t the boys and girls live together?
Me: That would be inappropriate.
Grace: Yeah, it’s inappropriate for girls to watch boys when they’re sleeping.
Me:  Yes it is. (and creepy…)
Grace: Girls shouldn’t see boys sleeping, because sometimes their shirts are up and their tummies are out.
(Yes.  THAT’S the reason boys Read the rest

Dear Weight Watchers,

Sorry I missed your calls this weekend.

(Wad that paper up and throw it in the garbage).

Dear Weight Watchers,
I know you called several times this weekend, but I ignored those calls.  And I’m not really sorry.  We were so busy eating lunch at the mall’s food court, then having funnel cakes at the Johnny Appleseed Festival, then lasagna and drinks at a friend’s house, then supper at Olive Garden on Sunday.  You see, every time you called, we were busy eating somewhere and I just didn’t have the heart to answer during fun family time.  I promise to … Read the rest

Paper and Pen Please

So my husband’s in IT.  Well actually, he’s an IT Director.  I’m proud of him.  But that’s not the point of this one.

No the point of this one is technology.  I just bought a lovely calendar to go in my purse, but then I had to buy a bigger purse to accommodate said calendar.  That’s…. embarrassing.  BUT you moms know what I’m talking about here with the calendar – pediatrician appointments, eye doctor appointments, dentist appointments, hair cuts, school activities – I need one honkin’ calendar!

I visited Chad at work the other day, and we’re having dinner with … Read the rest

Half of the country!!

I’m so excited to see that my blog is read in 25 states, Canada, and Australia!! (thank you Hoffmans!)

So I’m curious… where are you reading from?  I’m not sure who I know in some of the states, and that’s so encouraging!

So let me know!  And thank you, thank you for reading, and doing life with me. 😀… Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: September 15, 2010

Me: Ada, how was your first day of preschool??

Grace (18m) not happy to be awake
Eli (7m) thrilled to be eating

Ada: Kinda good and kinda bad.
Me: Ok, well what was kinda bad about it?
Ada: The teacher wanted me to put the trains away, but I wasn’t done playing with them!  I think I should not go back there tomorrow.

Me: Ada, Miss Toya said you’re having a hard time listening when it’s time to come in from recess.  Is that true?
Ada: Well yes, but I didn’t want her to tell you that!!

Eli shouting at … Read the rest

I Was Tagged!

I was tagged by blogger ATroopsGirl, which means I have to answer these 8 questions that she had on her blog.  I’m so excited I was tagged on someone’s blog!

1.  If you could have any super power, what would you have?  Why?
The power to multiply myself.  I hate feeling pulled in so many directions, with such a busy calendar!  It would be nice to send “someone else” to get groceries once in a while.

2.  Who is your style icon?
Have you seen me lately??  My “icons” are What still fits?  And What’s clean?

3.  What is Read the rest

My Favorite Boy (hold on, this post is a long one!)

I’ve called Eli that for a long time.  When I tuck him in at night, I give him a kiss and hug, and say “You’re my favorite boy.”  After a while he started replying, “You’re my favorite mom.”  Talk about your heart being full!

I don’t take these moments lightly.  This boy makes my heart full, but he also makes my head hurt.  He makes my blood pressure rise.  He makes my VOICE rise.  He makes my spanking hand come out.  He puzzles me on a daily basis.  He hurts his sisters on a daily basis.  He gets sent to … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: September 8, 2010

My circus at the zoo

Me: a ranch hand is someone who works on a ranch

Grace: Like a taco ranch?
(I seriously have no idea what that means)

Officer Mauricio (he helps with carpool at Ada’s school): Hi little Grace!
Ada: I’m Ada. (very dry, NOT very amused)
Officer Mauricio: Wow, she was very quick to correct me!
(you have no idea buddy!)

(We were having a discussion about how I messed up, and everyone messes up, and no one’s perfect)
Me: Do you know who IS perfect?
(Simultaneously) Grace: God!  Ada: ME!
Grace: I wish I could fly
Read the rest