I Was Tagged!

I was tagged by blogger ATroopsGirl, which means I have to answer these 8 questions that she had on her blog.  I’m so excited I was tagged on someone’s blog!

1.  If you could have any super power, what would you have?  Why?
The power to multiply myself.  I hate feeling pulled in so many directions, with such a busy calendar!  It would be nice to send “someone else” to get groceries once in a while.

2.  Who is your style icon?
Have you seen me lately??  My “icons” are What still fits?  And What’s clean?

3.  What is your favorite quote?
Psalm 13:5-6 – “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.  I will sing the Lord’s praise for he has been good to me.”  I love the Psalms, how David is just ugly-honest with God.  Then he always says “but”, making the choice to trust Him.  If I ever get a tattoo, it will be this scripture.

4.  What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
My friend Tonya told me she wants to be parents like Chad and I.  I’m thinking, she clearly hasn’t really seen me in the thick of it, cuz that’s nothin’ to envy!   It was awesome to hear though, it made me think “I want to be a mom worth emulating.”

5.  What playlist/CD is in your CD player/iPod right now?
Well, I have lots of playlists.  But I’ve been listening to John Mayer and Needtobreathe the most lately.

6.  Are you a night owl or a morning person?
I’d like to be a night owl, I was in my BC life (before children).  But now I’m just a sleep person.  I need sleep.  I don’t care if it’s going to bed early or sleeping in late.  I really need 9 hours to function properly.

7.  Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I like other people’s dogs, but I don’t even think kittens are cute.  I prefer a hair and litter box free house.

8.  What is the meaning behind your blog name?
That’s what I am!  I am One Tired Momma.  I’m not perfect, I don’t have this parenting gig all figured out, I screw up a lot.  I’m just one tired momma living one day at a time, hoping to make one less mistake a day.

So the deal is I have to tag 8 people.  I’m not sure I know 8 bloggers, so 6 is the best I can do:
Sheri Carlstrom
Our Little Scrapbook
Arms Wide Open
Enjoying the Ride
A Wee Word

2 thoughts on “I Was Tagged!

  1. Thanks for playing along! I love your verse in #3 – If you ever feel compelled to get a tatoo and need a tattoo-bud, I'll get one too!

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