Lately I’ve felt that we’re in a pretty good place with parenting. We’re being consistent, we’re staying calm, we’re not reacting, we’re not engaging in their fits or boundary-challenging (ok, if you were with me Wednesday night, we hit a speed bump, but we made it to bedtime)… we’re in an upward trend. Here’s what I’m learning about upward trends: the kids don’t like it. They want to be the ones in control, not us. They want to see if we mean what we say. They want to see if they can find the right combination of buttons to push … Read the rest
My Momma Decrees
We’re sort of a house of one-liners. A friend of mine once said she pictured me walking around with flash cards I could just hold up as needed. Here are some of my favorites. My kids know them pretty well.
It’s my turn to eat.
Crying won’t make me change my mind.
If no one’s bleeding, you need to figure it out on your own.
If you didn’t throw up, go back to bed.
You won’t get in trouble for being mad, you will get in trouble for being disrespectful.
If you wipe your mouth (or nose) on your shirt … Read the rest
Loving a Stubborn Woman, Part 1
In Small Group last week we discussed times where we didn’t obey God right away, but eventually agreed. I have a list of such times. Perhaps you don’t know me very well… I’m stubborn. Sometimes it’s because I know I’m right. Sometimes it’s because I think I’m right. Sometimes it’s because you don’t have the authority to tell me I’m wrong or I can’t. I’d like to think that as I mature I’ve learned to rein that third one in. (Although it’s what helps me mother Ada – now you understand her a little more!)
Anyway… whenever the Holy Spirit … Read the rest
A Little Note from Grace
Wednesday Wit: April 6, 2011
Eli: Dad, Ada won’t stop singing!
Chad: Ada, you need to sing quieter.
Ada: I can’t.
Chad: Yes, you can. You can control the volume of your voice.
Ada: My brain tells me to sing every day.
Eli: Ada, your brain is annoying us.
Eli: Are we going home yet? For about the sixth time…
Chad: No we are not. And if you ask me one more time, I will find the most boring spot on the road and pull over and just sit there doing nothing. Got it?
Ada: That … Read the rest
Wednesday Wit: March 30, 2011
Ada: (on the phone) Grandma, I have an ear ‘fection. I don’t know. Mom – does my ear hurt?
Me: I don’t know, does it?
Ada: I don’t know, Grandma.
Ada: I hope no one ever kills cats because I love them.
Eli: No one does, except maybe tigers and pumas because they’re dangerous.
Ada: Pumas. Heehee. Get it? Poo-mas? It has a potty word in it.
Ada: I think I’m going to be a vampire tomorrow.
Me: Eli, are you dressed for school?
Eli: Yes.
Me: Is … Read the rest
Don’t Compare!
Grace is extraordinarily left-brained. She loves to write, read, color, play the piano, sing, perform – if it is in any way artistic, she loves it and does it well.
Eli is extraordinarily right-brained. He loves to build things and take them apart, discover how something works and what it does (and if he can break it), replicate machinery he sees with Legos, and can do math like nobody’s business.
Everyone says you shouldn’t compare your children, but I have no other benchmark to use. My experience with reading is that Grace does it well and Eli hates it. My … Read the rest
Wednesday Wit: March 23, 2011
Ada: I see… you know… the liverty?
Me: The Statue of Liberty?
Ada: No. The… you know… the flag?
Me: The United States flag?
Ada: Yes. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
Me: In New York.
Ada: Like on Alex the Lion? (Madagascar)
Me: Yes.
Ada: You mean New York City is a REAL PLACE?!?
Me: Yes.
Ada. THIS is freaking me out!
Ada: Is that a museum?
Me: No, that’s a high school.
Ada: Yeah, a REALLY high school.
2 a.m. this morning…
Ada: … Read the rest
I’ve Been Sick (subtitle: My Husband is Awesome)
Today is day five of no appetite. I try to make myself eat something, because I still need to function, then I always feel a little queasy. It’s like I’m living in the “day after the stomach flu” world. I’m tired, weak, and my back and stomach muscles a-c-h-e.
Wednesday Wit: March 16, 2011
Ada: Mom, what does s-u-r-e spell?
Me: Sure.
Ada: “Are you sure you want to quit” (reading the computer)
Alright, so I’m scared of how smart this stubborn, stubborn kid is.
Ada’s in her favorite morning spot: on the kitchen vent.
Me: Are you getting dressed?
Ada: I had to go potty.
Me: Umm…. ok. Are you getting dressed?
Ada: (sigh) Ok, ok.
Ada: I wish there wasn’t a bully in my class.
Me: There’s a bully in your class?
Ada: No. But there will be in 3rd grade.… Read the rest