Wednesday Wit: March 30, 2011

Ada: (on the phone) Grandma, I have an ear ‘fection.  I don’t know.  Mom – does my ear hurt?
Me: I don’t know, does it?
Ada: I don’t know, Grandma.

Ada: I hope no one ever kills cats because I love them.
Eli: No one does, except maybe tigers and pumas because they’re dangerous.
Ada: Pumas.  Heehee.  Get it?  Poo-mas?  It has a potty word in it.

Ada:  I think I’m going to be a vampire tomorrow.

Me: Eli, are you dressed for school?
Eli: Yes.
Me: Is that your pajama shirt from last night?
Eli: Yes….
Me: Did you put on clean underwear?
Eli: No…
Me: So… are you dressed for school?
Eli: (groans) No.

Grace: I bet when a worm burps it tastes like bugs.

In the Walmart parking lot…
Me: Ada, walk on the side, by the cars please.  Don’t walk in the middle.
Ada: But they’re walking in the middle.
Of course THEY are also walking five feet in front of us, well within ear shot.