My Momma Decrees

We’re sort of a house of one-liners.  A friend of mine once said she pictured me walking around with flash cards I could just hold up as needed.  Here are some of my favorites.  My kids know them pretty well.

It’s my turn to eat.

Crying won’t make me change my mind.

If no one’s bleeding, you need to figure it out on your own.

If you didn’t throw up, go back to bed.

You won’t get in trouble for being mad, you will get in trouble for being disrespectful.

If you wipe your mouth (or nose) on your shirt again, you’re taking your shirt off.  I don’t care if we’re at a restaurant.

Mommas don’t have to wrestle.

Mommas don’t know how to build with Legos.  (Don’t any of you ruin that one for me!)

You get one potty break after you’re in bed.

Did I already answer that question?  Then don’t ask me again.

Did daddy already answer that question?  Then don’t ask me.

Be thankful for the supper I made.

There are no seconds until you eat all of your firsts.

I don’t know, that’s just the way God made it.

I promise you I’m a nice mom, nice things just don’t need one-liners. 🙂

One thought on “My Momma Decrees

  1. I love this! You are a wonderful mom. You are also a funny mom, a strong mom and a mom who is teaching her children about respect, independence, trust, God and so much more. I am so glad you are writing this blog!

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