Wednesday Wit: September 14, 2011

Ada singing to her Cheetos…
I love you, I love you, I looooooooove yooooouuuuuu (increasing vibrato)
She’s wonderful, she’s beautiful (they’re singing back?)
You’re cheesy, you’re cheesy, you’re the cheesiest (crunch) 

Ada: Heather’s hair is almost as long as Rapunzel’s.  You know, because Rich doesn’t ever want her to cut it.
We laugh
Ada: It’s true.
I’m sure that’s not true.  She can cut it whenever she wants. 

Me: There are a lot of Illinois license plates here.
Ada: It’s like we’re in Illinois!  I mean…Texas.

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Of Course

OF COURSE.  Two days after writing a post about how I set the tone in my home, if I’M calm then THEY’RE calm, all hell breaks loose today.

Ada got in my car at approximately 3:23 today after school.  At 3:25 she had a fit that I wouldn’t roll up the windows.  We were in Grace and Eli’s carpool line, so I had the car off and the windows down – she didn’t approve.  CLEARLY.  She wanted the windows up.  She didn’t like the song that was on.  She wanted to pick the song we listened to.  She NEVER gets … Read the rest

You Set the Tone

Since reading the book Boundaries With Kids, I’ve been working on staying calm while disciplining my kids or giving the threat of discipline (which I always follow through on if they follow through with their behavior).  It’s not easy.  It takes a conscious effort and lots of deep breathing.  But the more I work on it, the less effort it takes.  Lately I’ve noticed it comes more naturally, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Then last week I noticed Eli was staying calmer as well.  Not completely calm, he is still a 7-year-old boy after all.  When it’s time … Read the rest

My Favorite…Steak Marinade

I’m trying something new on the blog – adding some of my favorite recipes.  Chad and I love trying new recipes.  He is allowed to be honest about them, and I don’t take it personally if they aren’t a hit.  So here is my first one.  We don’t cook steak very often, because frankly I’d rather have a burger, but we bought a beef bundle from a friend and cooked up some Delmonico steaks last night.  Chad asked me to find a marinade or rub, and I tried this one.  It was so easy, and so yummy!!  This will now … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: September 7, 2011

Ada: What?  I’m just a farter!

Eli uses my cookie racks as car ramps
Eli: I just need one more…
Me: You need to ask, not just take one.
Eli: Can may I please have one more?
I kiss him on the cheek.
Eli: Ok… I think that’s a yes….

Me: Yikes, Ada, did you toot?
Ada: Yes.  I know… I’m disgusting.
Alright, so maybe we need to lay off of how bad her toots smell… 

Ada: Can I have a sleepover at Ella’s house?  I’ll only stay one night so you … Read the rest

Remembering to Thank Him

I’m going to do my best to make this long story short….

In November of 2007 (I believe) I started being treated for an ear infection.  In January 2008 the ear pain wasn’t better, so I was sent to an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist) who said my ears and all other tests were fine.  So he sent me to a neurologist.  He said everything was fine, and diagnosed me with neuralgia – sort of a generic “we don’t know where this pain is coming from” term.  I was starting to think I was crazy.  He started trying various … Read the rest

I Am the Mother of a Boy

  • I wore a Captain Rex band-aid today.
  • I know who Captain Rex is.
  • I know that Ewoks are from Endor and Wookies are from Kashyyyk (sorry spell check).
  • I am quite good at assembling Legos.
  • I don’t even look in the toilet anymore, I just flush it when I walk by the kids’ bathroom.
  • Any day of the week, one or both of our bathrooms will smell like a men’s room.
  • Bloody noses don’t phase me.
  • I’m learning the difference between a force out and when you have to tag the runner.
  • I shuffle my feel when walking in his
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ONE of My Lists

I have many lists in many places, depending on what is actually ON the list.  I used to tease my mom about her lists (let this post stand as yet another public apology to her), but I’ve since realized the importance of lists: they give us the freedom to forget things.  At work I schedule the worship team every week, and sometimes I get asked who is scheduled.  My answer will always be, “I don’t know, I’ll have to look at my list.”  I write things down so they don’t take up room in my head.  I have enough other … Read the rest

“No Speeding” Update

I’m working really hard on not speeding, per my recent conviction not to, and it’s honestly a little harder than I thought it would be.  It’s not because I really like going fast (which I do), but because I truly don’t know what the speed limit is most of the time!  Seriously, maybe people would obey the speed limit more if they had signs posted more often!  Or maybe I need to watch for signs more often.  It’s a mystery.  Plus, it’s not helpful that about 30% of the time (that’s not scientifically proven) my GPS is incorrect with the … Read the rest