Wednesday Wit: September 7, 2011

Ada: What?  I’m just a farter!

Eli uses my cookie racks as car ramps
Eli: I just need one more…
Me: You need to ask, not just take one.
Eli: Can may I please have one more?
I kiss him on the cheek.
Eli: Ok… I think that’s a yes….

Me: Yikes, Ada, did you toot?
Ada: Yes.  I know… I’m disgusting.
Alright, so maybe we need to lay off of how bad her toots smell… 

Ada: Can I have a sleepover at Ella’s house?  I’ll only stay one night so you won’t miss me.

It was bedtime and the girls were hiding on Eli’s top bunk… they aren’t good hiders…
Me: Girls, it’s time to go in your rooms.
Grace: Aw man!  How did you know?!
Ada: sigh…Because she knows everything.
My work here is done.