Category Archives: Parenting

The down side of intentional parenting

What?  There’s a down side?  Yes, in a manner of speaking.  Reacting is easier.  It just happens.  It’s like a reflex – the doctor smacks your knee and your foot jumps out.  You don’t think, you just act.  It doesn’t take effort.  But you might kick someone, because you’re not really in control.  That’s WHY we parent with intention instead of just reacting.  We need to be in control – of ourselves, not our children.

This is where the down side comes in… it’s exhausting.  It is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting.

Physically – no more parenting from the … Read the rest

Parenting Anxiety

I’ve written before about Grace’s anxiety, and we are still learning A LOT about her and how to parent her through this.  We are now trying a new resource called Turnaround.  It is an audio program for the child, rather than a book for the parent to read then figure out how to apply to the child.  It’s about 6 kids who go on a hike, each with a different social problem: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (like Grace), shy (not your average kind of shy, but won’t go to school shy), perfectionism (again, the kind that disrupts normal daily … Read the rest

Own the tantrum!

Picture if you will…

A dad in the church lobby with a two or three year old, who is throwing an all-out tantrum.  She is on the ground, kicking, yelling, m-a-d.  The dad is standing nearby but not looking at her, just letting it happen.  He is the cause of her anger.  He is not giving in to prevent the tantrum.  Instead, he is owning it.  I really wanted to walk over and tell him he was doing a great job.  He placed a boundary for her, she ran into it, and ticked her off.  But her reaction is not … Read the rest

The makings of a good consequence

I still don’t have this formula worked out, and I’m certain I never will since these darling Littles are always changing and so are their currencies.  But I think it goes something like this:

the offense + injuries? + is this a repeat offense? x is this arrestable for an adult?

It certainly doesn’t help that you have just a few seconds to do this formula in your head if you believe (like I do) that consequences have to be immediate.  At least there is the option to make them go to their room “while you figure out an appropriate … Read the rest

Something positive

I’ve noticed that my posts about honesty tend to be on the negative side, so here’s a little something positive!

Grace is in a new independent streak, particularly in regards to cooking.  Chad taught her how to make a hot dog, and it’s now her go-to food.  (A little gross, I know).  I’ve been down for the better part of a week with the stomach flu, and she’s been SO helpful.  She gets her own snacks, offers to help, gives me blankets, asks if I need anything… she’s growing up so much.

Eli is (slightly) growing out of his crazy … Read the rest

A small venting session

I have two issues here I want to address, so let’s get to it, shall we?

I’ve read many blog posts, ranging from ones to inspire me to ones I don’t even finish.  When I read these blogs, what bothers me is that when I scroll to the bottom I sometimes read comment after comment, sometimes ranging from “amen, sister!” to disagreeing to the point of shaming the author.  And I don’t mean that the comment writer feels the author is somehow neglecting or abusing her children, but that she misused an analogy, or has no right to complain about … Read the rest

Can we just be honest?

I read an incredible blog post the other day, and I posted it on Facebook, but I also wanted to write about it.  This post talks about how as parents we feel this pressure to enjoy every moment of parenting, that the kids will grow up so fast, that we’ll blink and they’ll be gone.  Some days I blink and blink and blink, but they’re still here.  

I love my children.  I love Grace’s compassion, and Eli’s contagious happiness, and Ada’s spunk.  I love, love, love them.  I am excited to see what God has planned for them, and I … Read the rest

Choose Your Words Wisely – the Conclusion

So I wrote last week about Ada telling me she didn’t want to see me anymore, and that I gave her what she asked for – somewhat.  I couldn’t literally not see her.  But I didn’t do anything for her from 3:45 when we got home from school until about 6:00 when it was supper time.  Whenever she called me or asked for something, I simply replied, “I’m sorry, but you said you didn’t want to see me anymore.”  (One of the times that I said that to her she replied, “But I meanted a different day, not today!”  … Read the rest

Choose Your Words Wisely

When Ada gets mad, she stays there.  She sets up camp and has no intention of leaving.  Every word out of her mouth and movement of her body reflects her mood.

Normally after I pick her up from school, we get in Grace and Eli’s carpool line and I let her sit in the front with me.  Today I asked if she was buckled, she said yes, then I realize she actually wasn’t.  I told her the consequence for her lie and not being safe would be that she couldn’t sit in the front with me and would have to … Read the rest

“Breaking Point” Recovery

So I wrote last week that I had reached the breaking point with the children.  It wasn’t pretty.  Thankfully, I have a most incredible husband who worked to bring me back.  I’m on day 5, and I think I’m pretty much back.

You know those meters they show in movies with green, yellow, and red?  And inevitably it goes into the red zone and no one is watching it to turn the machine off that it’s monitoring and then it starts smoking and blows up?  I do my best to function in the green so that when things happen with … Read the rest