Category Archives: Parenting

Sorry, Wednesday Readers

I have no wit from this week.  I know, I know.  I promise I’ll try to get some up next Wednesday.  Here’s my excuse.

My awesome life group is going through Boundaries for Kids and I’ve been working pretty hard at implementing some of what we’re learning in my home.  I’m done nagging (almost).  I’m done yelling (almost).  I’m done holding their hand through simple jobs that even my young children can accomplish.  I’m empowering them.  I’m giving them the opportunity to succeed all on their own.  And I’m worn out!  (Can I get an amen?)  Mothering is hard.  It … Read the rest

The Prayers of a Seven Year-Old

For the last few nights, after we pray for Grace at bed time, she has asked if she can pray too.  She thanks God for her day and tells Him all the fun details, thanks Him for us, asks God to help Chad and I feel better and to keep her brother and sister from getting sick.  It’s so sweet.  I tend to call her sensitive and emotional, but the fact of the matter is God made her with a tender heart.  She’s caring and empathetic in a way I don’t see in most adults.   In a way I … Read the rest

My Favorite Boy (hold on, this post is a long one!)

I’ve called Eli that for a long time.  When I tuck him in at night, I give him a kiss and hug, and say “You’re my favorite boy.”  After a while he started replying, “You’re my favorite mom.”  Talk about your heart being full!

I don’t take these moments lightly.  This boy makes my heart full, but he also makes my head hurt.  He makes my blood pressure rise.  He makes my VOICE rise.  He makes my spanking hand come out.  He puzzles me on a daily basis.  He hurts his sisters on a daily basis.  He gets sent to … Read the rest

What is this weird emotion I’m feeling?

I took Ada to her Pre-K (she won’t let me call it preschool) Open House this morning, we took her book bag full of supplies, and spent the morning in her room getting a feel for the schedule there.

I’ve never been sad the first day of school… in fact, it’s quite the opposite.  I was celebrating 2 weeks ago when Grace and Eli started.  This will be Ada’s third year of preschool, and I’ve never been sad.

Today I was sad.

I’ve had more one-on-one time with Ada than the other 2 combined.   I guess that’s what happens … Read the rest

First Day of School

How do I love thee, let me count the ways….

That’s right.  I’m one of those moms.  I love the first day of school.  I was giddy this morning.  I thought back to the Cosby Show when Cliff and Claire did an orange juice toast to this glorious day, when summer break was over and for 6 1/2 wonderful hours there were no fights to break up.

At our house, Chad goes in late because he likes to go with me to drop them off.  He’s so awesome.  So not only is it the first day of school, but I … Read the rest

Explaining Stretch Marks

One of the side effects of losing 25 pounds (thank you WW) is that many of my pants ride a little low.  So when I stood up and stretched yesterday, my stretch marks were visible.  Ada (of course it was Ada) noticed them.

“What are these white lines on your tummy?”

Now all three children have gathered around for an impromptu and unwanted show and tell.

“Wow!  Cool!  Those look weird!  They’re kind of shiny!  What are they?”

“Well, when you have kids, your tummy gets pretty big right?  Well, when your tummy gets big like that your skin has … Read the rest

A Little Perspective Never Hurts

We had a very exciting anniversary supper Saturday night at Red Robin with our 3-ring circus in tow, and I got a little perspective. While our children were quietly enjoying their onion rings, mozzarella sticks, and chocolate milk (yes, that’s what I feed my kids at restaurants), at the table in front of me was an 18 month-old whose mom was making a bottle for her. And at the table to my left was a 2 year-old wearing a bib who kept spilling his drink, taking the straw out, and climbing on everyone. It was at that moment that I … Read the rest

Post Vacation Stress Disorder

That’s a thing, right?

So here’s a glimpse into the kind of mother I really am. When we drove to Valparaiso to meet my parents and get the kids, I wasn’t waiting in anticipation, eager to get my little lovelies back. I wasn’t longing to hug them. I was thinking, “But my house is clean. The dishes are done. The laundry is done. Their beds are made. The bathrooms are clean. The toilets are actually flushed.”
For three full days, we were quiet and calm. We could be crazy if we wanted to, but we didn’t want to. Because,
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Our Vacation

We took the kids to my parents’ house Wednesday, and get them back today (Sunday) as our annual anniversary break. It was quiet, restful, and so much fun. Here were some of my observations:

– It was so nice to just spontaneously decide to do something, and we left right then. No hounding children to get their shoes on, breaking up fights over who’s first in line or who gets to open the car door. We just left.
– Every night I almost turned on the monitor. The kids all sleep upstairs, and we sleep downstairs. So without a
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My “favorite big girl” is almost 7

In 2 days Grace will be 7. I will have a 2nd grader. I really can’t believe it. This one sweet girl who started it all will be 7. Tonight she’s going on a date with her daddy to Chick Fil A (she really wants an Oreo milkshake) then to Toys R Us to pick out her present. Before you call that laziness, you need to understand that the girl loves to shop. Having that time with daddy will be more precious to her than merely opening a present in 5 seconds. She’ll get to talk to him tonight with … Read the rest