First Day of School

How do I love thee, let me count the ways….

That’s right.  I’m one of those moms.  I love the first day of school.  I was giddy this morning.  I thought back to the Cosby Show when Cliff and Claire did an orange juice toast to this glorious day, when summer break was over and for 6 1/2 wonderful hours there were no fights to break up.

At our house, Chad goes in late because he likes to go with me to drop them off.  He’s so awesome.  So not only is it the first day of school, but I have help getting them all ready!  They get up at 7, get dressed, and eat breakfast while Chad is in the shower.  Then they watch one show while we eat breakfast.  Then they help me pack their lunches, and we’re off.  On a side note, we balance each other out well – Chad was sad and intellectual this morning about the whole ordeal, while I was singing a happy tune in my head.

Ada doesn’t start for 2 more weeks.  As soon as we got home, she said “I want a fuzzy!”  They earn “fuzzies” at our house (fuzzy craft balls) for doing something kind.  I asked her what she wanted to do to earn a fuzzy, she suggested cleaning her room.  I told her cleaning her room is her job, not something kind. But if she wanted to clean her room she could earn a quarter.  So she did.  The girl cleaned her room.  How awesome is this morning already???  Then she said she still wanted to earn a fuzzy.  So I said I would give her a fuzzy if she wanted to pick up Eli’s room.  AND SHE IS.

I.  Love.  School.

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