Waiting for God to move is hard. Trusting that He will is not so bad, but waiting on his timing is killer.
I’ve been in a journey – waiting, offering suggestions (cleverly disguised as “Do you want me to…?), praying, getting impatient, begging to feel better. You know. God has made progress in me for sure, but I’d like the process to just be done already.
Lately I’ve had thoughts just itching at me, telling me I need to do something. Do SOMEthing. Anything. Surely I’m supposed to do something. Anything. But I haven’t been feeling confirmation from God either way, so I’ve been waiting until I get that.
Some wise words from my sister were that I just need more healing. Sigh, yes. I do.
I’m reading in Genesis about Abraham and how God regularly tells him to Go or Do, and God will take care of the rest. All Abraham has to do is obey. They even have a covenant that Abraham has to be faithful and God will provide all that He has promised. That is a rather lopsided covenant.
It was in reading about Abraham that it dawned on me – that’s all that is expected of me as well. I just have to obey, and God will take care of the rest. I have obeyed. I do not have to micromanage God in this process, He does not need my suggestions or my help. He may give me more instructions, but until that time I just need to trust that He is working in me and taking care of his end of things.
Obey. Let God do the rest.