Wednesday Wackiness

Alright, I tricked you.  There’s no wit this week.  But let me tell you what we’ve had going on, and what’s going on this weekend…

Rich & Heather’s engagement
All 5 of us are in my sister’s wedding this weekend in Illinois.  (woohoo!!!)  I’m singing in the ceremony, Chad’s playing guitar in the ceremony and reading scripture, I’m putting together the music to use for the dismissal after the ceremony while Heather and Rich dismiss everyone, and I’m putting together the video of pictures with music to be played at the reception.  And exhale!  (By the way, this is by no means complaining… I’m very excited for my sister to get married!)
So I’ve been making lists like a crazy woman, shopping several times, trying my best to accessorize dresses for the bachelorette party and rehearsal (I’m fashion impaired, I’ve had lots of help with this one), going to the dry cleaner, hitting up multiple suit shops trying to fit my tall skinny husband and my 6 year-old, keeping 30 dirty fingers off the flower girl dresses hanging in my bedroom, buying make-up (that’s a stretch for me!), trying to think through everything my kids might possibly need to get through this without making my head spin off….
Tomorrow morning I will drop the kids off at school, then drive to Chicago.  So Chad will be taking care of homework, supper, and bedtime on his own.  Then he’s taking the kids to school Friday, picking them up at 11:30, picking up my friend’s teen daughter because I’M TAKING A BABY-SITTER WITH US (praise Jesus), and driving to Chicago.
So THIS is why I have no Wednesday Wit.  My kids may or may not have said funny things this past week, I just didn’t have time to write it down, or I was gone shopping!
Thank you Lord for bringing this incredible gift to Heather and Rich.  Thank you that we get to be a part of celebrating with them.  Thank you that I get to be there for Heather, loving on her and supporting her through this amazing day.

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