One of the Best Days Ever

My sister got married Saturday!

I, and countless others, have been praying for Rich long before we knew him.  It’s incredible to see the ways that he cares for her and loves her.  I know that there is no other man who could be more perfect for her.

I think the part of the ceremony that hit me the hardest was hearing Rich’s vows.  Hearing him promise before God that he would love her for the rest of his life.  It’s good.

I know that Heather could have made it as a single woman.  It would have been a hard road to walk, but she would have done it and been successful at it.  But.  She gets to know what it’s like to come home to the love of her life.  She gets to know what it’s like to NOT have to go home alone at night after spending a day with him.  She gets to know what it’s like to wake up together on a Saturday morning and just lay there talking because neither has to get up.  She gets to navigate living with Rich, finding out things that drive her crazy, and things that make her love him even more.  She gets to talk to him about her day while cooking supper rather than over the phone.  She gets to have a glimpse of God’s unconditional love.

God is good.  I am thankful.  My heart is full.  And I get to have a brother now. 🙂