Wednesday Wit: October 29, 2010

This one’s just too good.  I couldn’t wait until Wednesday.

Me: Ada, how was school today?
Ada: Good!  I listened!!  I made a pattern: listened, didn’t listen, listened, didn’t listen, and today I listened.  So I made a pattern.
Me: Yes, you did make a pattern.  Maybe next week you can try to listen EVERY day.
Ada: Weeeeelllll…. how about Sunday.

About five minutes later…

Ada: I think one time I gotted a shot that makes me not listen.  I think that’s the problem. Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: October 27, 2010

Ada discovering the computer camera at 2 1/2

Eli’s version of the Pledge of Allegiance: with liberty and Justins for all.

Grace: This is called a fortune cookie, because it has a fortune in it.  A fortune is a fake story.

Ada: I hope my dada will be alright.
Me: Daddy’s fine, he just went to work.
Ada: NO!  He went to the doctor!
Me: No honey, he works at the hospital now.  He fixes doctor’s computers.

I was putting Ada’s tights on her…
Ada: Just a minute, I have to get my underwear out of my bottom.… Read the rest

What is Wrong With Parents??

That’s right friends, I’m wearing my “judgmental” hat today.

I took Eli to his Pack Meeting yesterday afternoon, which is where all of the Cub Scouts get together for awards and other stuff.  (Usually the different grade levels meet individually).  These poor boys had to sit for AN HOUR while the leaders taught about fire safety, both if there is a house fire, and if you make a camp fire.  This is important stuff, I know.  And after that they handed out awards, and the boys had to be quiet and respectful while their friends got their awards.  Again, important … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: October 21, 2010

Alright, I hate that I didn’t post a Wednesday Wit for you.  Here’s one from Ada at dinner tonight…

Ada: My juice is orange, but in this cup it looks invisdible.  (No, that’s not a typo.  That’s how she says invisible.)  Have you ever tried beef juice?
Me: Beef juice?  No, I’ve never tried that.  
Ada: It’s yucky.  But some animals like to drink it.  Some do and some don’t.  I don’t.
Read the rest

Sorry, Wednesday Readers

I have no wit from this week.  I know, I know.  I promise I’ll try to get some up next Wednesday.  Here’s my excuse.

My awesome life group is going through Boundaries for Kids and I’ve been working pretty hard at implementing some of what we’re learning in my home.  I’m done nagging (almost).  I’m done yelling (almost).  I’m done holding their hand through simple jobs that even my young children can accomplish.  I’m empowering them.  I’m giving them the opportunity to succeed all on their own.  And I’m worn out!  (Can I get an amen?)  Mothering is hard.  It … Read the rest

The Prayers of a Seven Year-Old

For the last few nights, after we pray for Grace at bed time, she has asked if she can pray too.  She thanks God for her day and tells Him all the fun details, thanks Him for us, asks God to help Chad and I feel better and to keep her brother and sister from getting sick.  It’s so sweet.  I tend to call her sensitive and emotional, but the fact of the matter is God made her with a tender heart.  She’s caring and empathetic in a way I don’t see in most adults.   In a way I … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: October 13, 2010

My girls, Grace is 3 1/2, Ada is 1

Ada: I’m not funny anymore.
Chad: Really?  Why not?
Ada: Because I’m grown up.
Chad: You are?
Ada to me: Well you’re a grown up and YOU’RE not funny.
Chad laughing: There’s a Wednesday Wit, huh?

Me: Eli….
Eli: What?
Me: Come downstairs and finish your breakfast.
Eli: What??  Grace, how does she ALWAYS know??
Grace: Because she’s smart.
And don’t you forget it!! 🙂

Ada: Why are you erasing those?
Me: Because I made a mistake.
AdaRead the rest

Wednesday Wit: October 6, 2010

Grace, 15 months

We were at Culver’s having some ice cream to celebrate Chad’s new job.
Chad: Mom’s having a turtle sundae.
Ada: There’s a turtle in there?!?

Eli was telling Rich about Chad’s new job as the “Server and Storage Specialist” at Lutheran Hospital.
Eli: My dad’s a doctor now.
Ummmm…. not quite. 

Eli walked in to find me drinking a glass of milk.
Eli: Mom, I put my finger in that glass of milk!
Gross, gross gross!!!Read the rest

My name is Janna, and I am… weak.

For those of you who don’t know me very well, I can be… kind of stubborn.  Alright I’m really stubborn.  Sometimes my stubbornness is good, and sometimes it hurts me.  My most recent example of the latter occurred at a staff retreat to a middle school camp.  There’s a climbing wall with four different levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, and ridiculous.  My pride decided “You can do that hard one, Janna”.  So I tried it and got all of five feet off the ground.  It felt like being kicked in the gut.  So I then moved on to the … Read the rest

What’s Your Lovie?

Ada, her Grandpa, and her lovie

My kids have blankets lovingly made by their grandma.  They’re their most prized possession.  When we travel they come with us.  They have to be weaned off of taking them everywhere just like a pacifier.  Eli’s is even so valued that when his tummy hurts he puts it in his shirt because it will make him feel better.  They want them when they’re tired, sick, hurting, when they get shots… it makes them feel better.  And their love shows in these blankets.  Eli’s has been sown back together so many times it looks rather … Read the rest