Wednesday Wit: February 2, 2011

Me: Today we’re going to a different Sonrise Church, the one where your friend Ella goes.
Ada: There is another Sonrise Church?!?  I didn’t know this!  I am surprised!!

Grace: I wish I had spy gadgets so I could spy on Eli and Ada.
Ada: (with arms folded, peering over her glasses) You mean so you and I could spy on Eli!

Me: Someone forgot to flush.
Ada: I think it was Eli.
Me: Well, when he forgets he usually leaves the seat up, but it’s down.
Ada: Well…. you know….. boys … Read the rest

Five-Star Friends

Chad and I found ourselves a Sunday where neither of us is on worship team, so we decided to visit Sonrise’s North campus for the first time.  Today ended a series called The Me I Want To Be, with the message titled “Deepening My Relationships”.  Pastor Brandon gave a really awesome message, and in it gave five characteristics of the friends you need in your inner circle (my term, not his).  They are:
1. Devoted to maturing in Christ
2. Someone who brings out the best in you
3. Unconditional love and loyalty
4. Speaking the truth even when it’s … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: January 26, 2011

Ada: I made a necklace at school with beads and clean pipers.

Eli: Look at my picture!
Me: Cool buddy!  What is it?
Eli: It’s a robot giraffe attacking a bug house.
Oh yes, why didn’t I see that before?

Ada: Why do you have purple under your eyes?
Because you exhaust me.  But I love you.

Eli: That’s not a good song.
Ada: But I’m a good singer.
Eli: No, Ada.  I mean this song isn’t appropriate for Jesus to hear.

So there’s a song by Needtobreathe called Prisoner, and there’s … Read the rest

My New Catch Phrase

As I’ve mentioned several times, I’m currently reading Boundaries for Kids with my Life Group.  It is, hands down, the best parenting book I’ve ever read.  (I love Babywise too, but for today we’ll call that a sleeping book.)  A common theme for this book is to validate your children’s emotions and feelings, but stay firm.  Be consistent.  Let your No be No.  So my new catch phrase around the house is I’m not changing my mind.

Grace, I know you’re sad, and it’s ok to cry, but I’m not changing my mind.
Eli, I know you’re mad, and you … Read the rest

What Will I Miss?

Picture if you will, I’m dropping my kids off at school, on the phone with a friend, I shout “Good bye!  I love you!” Then Ada shouts “Bye!  I will miss you!  Have a great day!”  Then the other 2 shout back to both of us… and my friend on the phone is just laughing.  I asked, “Don’t you miss this?”  She said, “Honestly… no.”  I don’t think I’ll miss the chaos of having a 5, 6, and 7 year-old.

But then when I dropped Ada off, she walked away doing her signature butt-wiggle waddle, waving without turning to look … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: January 5, 2011

Eli singing: Oh no, You never let go!  Through the storm and through the snow!
It’s actually through the calm and through the storm 🙂

Ada: I don’t want to go to school!  School is boring!  We just do table activities, and…. what do table activities even mean anyway?!?

On a side note… should I be concerned that every time Ada gets dressed, she takes whatever she just took off and spins it in the air?… Read the rest

A Glimpse

Ada and Kyra at the
Christmas program last year

Yesterday I took Ada shopping at Toys R Us with her birthday money.  She spent nearly every dime of it.  But what she bought was a glimpse.   A glimpse that what Chad and I are struggling to do day in and day out is sinking in, and making an impact.  She bought 3 toys for her best friend Kyra.  If she had more money, she would have bought 2 of everything.  But she decided on 3 of the toys that would be a gift.  Then when she was showing Grace … Read the rest