Wednesday Wit: May 25, 2011

Ada – 17 months

Ada: Look at my scrape.
Me: Ouch!  That’s a big scrape!  Did you cry?
Ada: Not at all.
Me: Wow, you’re a pretty tough girl.
Ada: Yeah, I’m almost as tough as you.

Ada: Grace, don’t talk to me, you’re making my head dizzy.
She had just woken up from a car-nap.

Ada: Daddy, I’m going to give you one of my bestest hugs.
Chad: Oh, that was a good one!
Ada: Yeah, that was all squishy!

Ada: Mom, feel my head.
Me: Nope, no fever.… Read the rest

Grab a Corner

 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home.2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them.3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.  – Mark 2:1-4
This is my
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Wednesday Wit: May 16, 2011

Ada: I wish these geese would poop in their own place.  Where nobody is.  Like the forest.

I sent the kids to their rooms to clean, and said in 30 minutes if they weren’t making progress I would start taking toys away.
Grace: (sobbing) I can’t do it with this time pressure!  I just can’t do it!
Eli: Mom, I’m doing a good job listening.  I’m working really hard, and I’m only playing a little bit.

Ada: I’m not tattling.  I’m not!
Me: Yes, you are.
Ada: That’s true.

Ada: Daddy, … Read the rest

My Needs Have Changed

Chad is an incredible husband.  When he gets home from work, he changes his clothes then immediately jumps into family mode.  He does homework with the kids, or helps with supper, or does dishes – whatever needs to be done.  My teammate is home, and we are fully functioning.  THIS is what I have needed for a long time, and THIS is one way he shows his love for me day after day.  I needed to know we were a team, and that I didn’t have to bear this burden alone.  Then something terrible happened…. my needs changed.

I hate … Read the rest

Do We Expect Too Much From Our Kids?

Eli has been in three different soccer programs over the past couple years, and they’ve all been learning experiences for us to say the least.  Our exposure to soccer parents has been… interesting.  As Eli gets older, we notice more and more the varying ability from one boy to the next.  The atmosphere at the 4-6 year old game was much different than at the 6-8 year old game.  At this morning’s game, Chad and I were discussing how important it is to remember that Eli is only six.  He’s SIX.  He needs a lot of grace at soccer practices … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: May 11, 2011

Me: Ada, aren’t you cold?
Grace: You mean ORANGE you cold?!?

Me: This Hello Kitty Journal is scented.
Chad: Does it smell like dirty cats?
Me: Strawberries.

Eli working outside with Grandpa, using hedge trimmers
Eli: This is more fun than I thought!!

Chad: Maybe someday you’ll be an author.
Grace: Or maybe even a writer.

Ada: Is that the church where… ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP…

Me: I don’t know anyone as stubborn as Ada.
Chad: Really?  You don’t know anyone?

Chad helping Ada finish her prayer…
Chad: Thank … Read the rest

My Time in Counseling

Allow me to paint you a little picture… my three darling children are happy, healthy, playing in the living room at my parents’ house.  Grace is 2 1/2, Eli is 1 1/2, and Ada is three months old.  I am in the kitchen pacing, moving my hands back and forth uncontrollably, having a panic attack, unable to deal with the magnitude of raising these three darling children who depend on me for every single need in their lives.  This is the moment when I thought, “Hmm… I wonder if this is postpartum depression?”  So I made a few calls, someone … Read the rest

A Poem From Grace

Mirror, mirror on the wall
who’s the cutest one of all?
Oh my master, Grace oh Grace
you’re the one who has that face.

Mirror, mirror on the wall
who’s the sweetest one of all?
Oh my master, Grace oh Grace
you’re the one who has that taste.

Mirror, mirror on the wall
who’s the richest one of all?
Oh I’m sorry, Grace oh Grace
God’s the One who has that place.… Read the rest

You are a MOMMA

Your kiss…
…heals their wounds.
…makes them smile.
…builds their confidence.

Your hug…
…calms their fears.
…slows their emotions.
…shares their excitement.
…gives your support.

You are the one they want…
…when they are sick.
…when the thunder booms.
…when the lightning strikes.
…when they are scared.
…when life is not fair.
…when they get hurt, physically and emotionally.
…when life is too much.
…when they don’t have the answers.
…when their emotions don’t have words.
…when they’re so excited they just might burst.

Your love…
…shows them how they deserve to be loved.
…shows them a small glimpse of … Read the rest

Nothing for Mother’s Day

These commercials for Mother’s Day crack me up.  Flowers, jewelry, clothes, vacations (alright, I’d take that one) … none of these interest me.  What I want for Mother’s Day is NOTHING.  Nothing for breakfast.  Nothing for lunch.  Nothing for supper.  Nothing in the laundry room.  Nothing in the kitchen.  Nothing on my calendar.  I want to do nothing.  I don’t want to do my job all day long.  I’m not getting kids ready for church.  I’m not feeding them.  I don’t care about having a big fancy meal – I really don’t care what we eat because I’m not … Read the rest