Category Archives: Parenting

A Glimpse

Ada and Kyra at the
Christmas program last year

Yesterday I took Ada shopping at Toys R Us with her birthday money.  She spent nearly every dime of it.  But what she bought was a glimpse.   A glimpse that what Chad and I are struggling to do day in and day out is sinking in, and making an impact.  She bought 3 toys for her best friend Kyra.  If she had more money, she would have bought 2 of everything.  But she decided on 3 of the toys that would be a gift.  Then when she was showing Grace … Read the rest

Don’t You Mess With My Calendar!!

my beloved

I went to Target Tuesday to pick up a new calendar.  For those anal, organizing, I-have-5-people’s-lives-to-keep-track-of, calendar-nazi women out there, you know what this means.  I get out the school schedule and put everything on there, add everyone’s birthdays +1 year, and I get an even greater feeling of satisfaction than when I balance my checkbook.

So I went to Target to get another one.  It was gone.  (deep breaths… )  I looked through three aisles.  I asked a dude in a red shirt.  I looked through the same three aisles.  I believe my mouth was hanging … Read the rest

Can I Get An Amen?

“Ada.  Wipe, flush, wash your hands.”
“I know, I know.”

Ada and I were at a friend’s house this afternoon when I had to issue that reminder.  My friend said, “I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has to tell my kids that every day.”  We discussed life, babies, children, victories, frustrations… and it was good.  It’s amazing to me how women form bonds over life, especially over frustrations, and especially over frustrations dealing with their children.  We need to know that we’re not in this alone.  That we’re not the only ones dealing with these issues.  That … Read the rest

Open Mics Are Dangerous

My littlest getting a calculator
for Christmas last year.  It was
her favorite present.

Our church has a great Thanksgiving Eve service, which includes “open mic” time for people to share what they’re thankful for.  Of course Grace will do this, it’s just the sort of thing she loves.  Then the other two followed…

Grace: I’m thankful for my family, and for God, and that He gave us food, water, clothes, and a house.  We need to pray for the people in Haiti because they lost their houses in an earthquake.  We need to pray to God and we … Read the rest

Santa vs. Jesus

Alright friends.  With Christmas around the corner, and decorations already here, I feel compelled to warn you of something.  We don’t do Santa Claus with the kids.  GASP!

We’re not robbing them of their childhood.
We’re not forbidding them to mention his name.
But we’re also not lying to them.

Alright, that last one might have been a little mean.  It’s just interesting what I’ve read and heard from other parents who feel SO strongly that Santa Claus is an essential part of childhood, and those of us who don’t participate are some how neglectful.  Chad and I have just … Read the rest

What I Do For A Living

I was talking with a friend of mine, and she was telling me of her schedule as a mom of 4.  She said, “It’s what I do for a living.”

It’s what I do for a living.

There’s a broad range of moms.  We do homeschool, private school, or public school.  We work full-time, part-time, or stay home and work harder.  We have one child, 3 7, or more.  We screw up.  We get it right. We do it day in and day out.

What do you do?  Do you just try to make it through the day?  To nap … Read the rest

Grace’s Heart, part 2

Last month I wrote about Grace’s tender heart.  Today after school, the kids were doing their normal after-school-everybody-talk-at-once-in-the-car bit.  Eli said he wanted a blood hound (they had been watching Mythbusters with daddy).  Ada talked about getting her haircut.  Then Grace.

Grace: Mom, when I’m a grown up and have children from Haiti, I’m going to tell them about my family.  Then they can tell their kids about our family.  And so on, and so on.

Me: What do you mean, when you have children from Haiti? (I knew what she meant, I just wanted her to talk about … Read the rest

The Funny Thing About Kids…

…they remember you mentioned we might go swimming at the Y three weeks ago, but somehow cannot remember to flush the toilet.  Or wipe for that matter…

…they hear you whisper “ice cream” to your husband from the other room, but don’t hear you shout “PUT YOUR SHOES ON!!” for the eighth time.

…they like things like pickle sandwiches, but not staples like macaroni and cheese.

…they can figure out video games all by themselves, but they can’t seem to navigate their coat zipper.

Please add yours! 😀… Read the rest

What is Wrong With Parents??

That’s right friends, I’m wearing my “judgmental” hat today.

I took Eli to his Pack Meeting yesterday afternoon, which is where all of the Cub Scouts get together for awards and other stuff.  (Usually the different grade levels meet individually).  These poor boys had to sit for AN HOUR while the leaders taught about fire safety, both if there is a house fire, and if you make a camp fire.  This is important stuff, I know.  And after that they handed out awards, and the boys had to be quiet and respectful while their friends got their awards.  Again, important … Read the rest