Don’t You Mess With My Calendar!!

my beloved

I went to Target Tuesday to pick up a new calendar.  For those anal, organizing, I-have-5-people’s-lives-to-keep-track-of, calendar-nazi women out there, you know what this means.  I get out the school schedule and put everything on there, add everyone’s birthdays +1 year, and I get an even greater feeling of satisfaction than when I balance my checkbook.

So I went to Target to get another one.  It was gone.  (deep breaths… )  I looked through three aisles.  I asked a dude in a red shirt.  I looked through the same three aisles.  I believe my mouth was hanging open in shock.  I said some prayers.  I scoured those three aisles.  I took a deep breath, and decided to look at other calendars.  Nope.  None of them were as good.  Mine had color-coded stickers.  Color-coded stickers!!  You can’t replace that with dumb clock stickers, or soccer ball stickers.  No.  These color-coded stickers were blank and I could write what I wanted on them.  Blue was for doctor’s appointments.  Red was for school calendar.  Yellow was for church.  Don’t try to give me your stupid picture stickers!!

I went to Staples.  I bought a calendar that I didn’t even take out of the bag.  I just knew it wasn’t right.  I couldn’t bring myself to look at it.  I looked online for probably an hour for my calendar.  It was gone.  It’s like it vanished.  Like I had imagined the whole thing, in it’s color-coded glory.  Sigh.

I returned the poor substitute to Staples.  I went to Office Depot.  I got something that might work.  I don’t have high hopes for this one.  I’m setting low expectations so my hopes aren’t dashed again.  To replace the color-coded stickers (if you can even do that) I bought different color pens.  (Yes, the transformation is complete — I am my mother.)  One redeeming factor of this new calendar is that it has pockets on the bottom.  So I have my pens in the pockets, and have all but threatened my children’s lives if they take them.

So we’ll see how this goes.  Again, I’m setting low expectations.

Maybe my fellow calendar-nazis can let me know what you use?  Give a girl some help!

3 thoughts on “Don’t You Mess With My Calendar!!

  1. Post-It notes on the backdoor works like a charm for us! πŸ™‚

    Good luck on your calendar search!

  2. Janna Orlikowski…you do make me laugh out loud. (and I think we were separated at birth)

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