Category Archives: More About Me

I Was Tagged!

I was tagged by blogger ATroopsGirl, which means I have to answer these 8 questions that she had on her blog.  I’m so excited I was tagged on someone’s blog!

1.  If you could have any super power, what would you have?  Why?
The power to multiply myself.  I hate feeling pulled in so many directions, with such a busy calendar!  It would be nice to send “someone else” to get groceries once in a while.

2.  Who is your style icon?
Have you seen me lately??  My “icons” are What still fits?  And What’s clean?

3.  What is Read the rest

Wedding Plans

My sister is engaged.  Have I mentioned that?  It’s so incredible.  So yesterday I left home at 5:20, went into Chicago for a boat ride on the Chicago River and Lake Michigan with Heather and her college students (she’s the Director of Student Activities at Trinity College).  It was awesome.  Then bright and early this morning we got up and starting talking wedding.

We left promptly at 8:20, got Starbucks, and drove to Vernon Hills to meet my mom at Target so she could finish registering.  Then a quick trip to Bed Bath & Beyond to see the dishes and … Read the rest

My Honda Odyssey

I, Janna Orlikowski, do hereby recant any negative or ill-willed comment I may have made about vans in the past. (I DO NOT, however, take anything back about station wagons).

I drove a van for 6 years until it came time to get another car and we (I) decided it was my turn to get something different, and Chad got the van. So I got a Chrysler Pacifica and loved it. Except for the times when I couldn’t fit a week’s worth of groceries in the back without rearranging seats, or the times we have to take a car-top carrier
Read the rest

Here goes nothin’

Well, here I am. Attempting a blog. I know, I know, you’re all thinking, “Finally!” Or…. maybe not.

I don’t know about you, but I tend to do a fair amount of thinking when I’m in bed wishing, praying to be sleeping. It’s probably because the other 4 people in the house are sleeping and I can actually finish a thought. Kind of like when you take a dog for a walk and it pulls you most of the way because it’s so darned excited. Last night I was thinking about how moms are really pioneers. Stay with me here. … Read the rest