My Daughter’s Gifts

My email signature is, “Lord, show me how You see them, show me how You’ve gifted them, shoe me how to guide them. Amen.”  This fall as Grace has started middle school and the new opportunities it brings, God has shown me some of her gifts.  And that I’ve been wrong about them.

My girl can sing.  She could sing on key before she could speak.  I’m not even a little bit exaggerating right now.  And the kicker is, she refused to be in choir.  In choir you have to sing the same songs over and over.  In choir you HAVE to sing, so it’s not just for fun.  In choir there are kids who don’t sing well.  She has quite the grasp on the choir environment for never being in it.

I’ve obsessed over this, insisting that she give singing a try and get better at it.  She’s wasting her gift!  Well the ugly truth is, I was only seeing this one gift and ignoring the others.  Shame on me.

Her art teacher praises her work and says she has abilities that she hasn’t taught yet.  “Either you’re born with that creativity or you aren’t.  I can’t teach that.”  Eyes opened.

The middle school musical is coming up and she is beyond excited.  To sew the costumes.  She did this in 5th grade as well.  She has a passion for this.  Eyes opened.

Her 5th grade teacher made note of some of her writing and that I should read it.  It is good.  She writes well, and reads it with such passion and enthusiasm.  Eyes opened.

Lord, forgive me.  Forgive me for not seeing what was in front of me and being faithful with taking care of my girl.

Grace, forgive me.  I promise to see more of you than just this one piece.  You are amazingly gifted and I will do a better job of guiding you in THESE gifts, that you are passionate about.