My week with Ada – Day Two

I had to wake Ada up at 7 to get our day started.  I gently rubbed her forehead, she looked at me and said, “Good morning, momma.”  Those are the first words out of her mouth every single day.  And it makes me smile every single day.  She wrapped her teeny arms all the way around my neck and I asked if she was ready to go to Kyra’s house.  Kyra is her dear friend from Sonrise Preschool who moved away this spring and I planned a day trip for us to go see her.  She said, “Yes, after I get dressed.  You can pick out a dress for me.”  Well thank you.

We ate breakfast, loaded up, and drove 3.5 hours.  I’m so, so thankful that my kids travel well.  We didn’t stop once, she didn’t complain once or ask how much longer.  The highlight of the trip was going on a safari.  In Ohio.  Yep.  We went to The Wilds, and it was incredible.  I will absolutely be taking the other kids back!  Giraffes, zebras, takins (crazy cool animals), rhinos…all right on the road by our safari bus.  It was crazy.  Ada had so much fun giggling (which led to full on belly laughing) with her long-lost friend.  It was such a precious time.  Ada picked up some rocks from the road there to save as a souvenir.

We left at 7:30pm, getting home at almost 11.  All the way home she kept talking about the “banana moon”.

It was a very good day.

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