Wednesday Wit: November 30, 2011

On her way to the bathroom…
Ada: I’m going to walk/jog because I have to go badly.
I love that she actually used the phrase “walk/jog” and that she has such a great grasp on adverbs at 5. 🙂 

We were having a lovely dinner with some friends…
Ada: Zac, Santa isn’t real.
I was in shock, Zac was laughing to the point of tears, and thankfully his small children seemed oblivious.  I had a talk with Ada the next day…
Me: Ada, remember we’ve told you – you can’t tell kids about Santa.  You have to let their parents tell them about Santa.  They like to pretend Santa is real.
Ada: I wasn’t telling their kids.  I was telling Zac.
Ada’s world has very little gray.