Eight Years in the Making

  • I had three babies in 29 months.
  • I was pregnant 27 out of 38 months.
  • I had three children in diapers for eight months.
  • In my basement I have or had three cribs, three reversible car seats, three umbrella strollers and more…
  • Between my mom and I we had four pack-n-plays.
  • I currently have 6 booster seats, a set in each car.
  • Side note: this is why I was very diligent about getting them to sleep through the night (which to me means 12 hours between feedings).  If not I would have completely lost it long ago!
I tell you this so you can understand, and perhaps share in, my excitement.  Today, August 22, 2011, Ada starts all-day Kindergarten.  That means all three of my children are in school 8:55-3:30.  Of course that DOESN’T mean I’ll be sitting around all day.  I still work three days a week, and I still have a house to manage, children to take to the doctor, dentist, and eye doctor, myself to get to the doctor, hair cuts, oil changes, grocery shopping, etc.  But I get to do most of those errands alone (minus the children’s appointments obviously).  I can have lunch with my husband or friends.  I can volunteer in their classrooms and on field trips easier.  Shoot, I could go to Indy for lunch at PF Chang’s if I wanted!!  So yes, I’m excited for this new chapter in our lives.
Plus, I have some incentives in place to encourage our children to move a little faster and be more self-sufficient in the morning.  It’s currently 7:45 and they are completely ready for school, and we don’t leave until 8:35.  Morning # 1: success.

3 thoughts on “Eight Years in the Making

  1. YAHOO! I’m excited for you, Janna (minus the fact hat Eli is sick!) I will join you on a road trip to Indy in 5 or 6 years….deal?!?! 🙂

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