Only in Esmond

We were playing outside last night at my parents’ house.  They live out in the country in northern Illinois.  We were in the yard catching lightning bugs when suddenly two people came down the road riding horses.  I had to laugh as I imagined myself telling this story to my Fort Wayne friends.  Seeing people riding horses on the road isn’t strange or unusual where my parents live.  There are farms everywhere, in fact the one where these horses are from is just across the road from my parents.

Anyway, we saw two people coming down the road on horses.  Ada froze in her tracks, amazed!  The nice people came across the road, and then into our yard!  They got down off of their horses and let the kids pet them.  Their horses names were Meg and Princess, and the kids were in heaven!  (Now they were definitely never going to want to leave Grandma & Grandpa’s!)  Then, the man asked if Ada would like to get on the horse.  Are you kidding me???  So they gave all three kids turns riding the horses around the yard.  Seriously.  Never leaving Grandma & Grandpa’s.

4 thoughts on “Only in Esmond

  1. Love this! Hope you're having an awesome time! And NO JOKE, about a month ago, I came around one of the curves in the wooded area of W. Hamilton and about hit a guy trotting on a huge horse. I screamed OUT LOUD!

    Enjoy the rest of your week! 😉

  2. Oh no! I'm glad you didn't hit them. 🙂 And I can imagine your scream. I am so excited for our vacation to start!!

  3. Lovely! What a nice treat for your kids. It's so nice of these people to have offerred them a ride 🙂 I love it when kind people like this turn up unexpected 🙂

  4. So true, they really could have just kept going, and they really could have stopped at letting them pet their horses. They went above and beyond for sure! What a treat for my kids!

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