Survival Mode

You know what that means.  You know how that feels.  We’ve all been there.  I was there last week.  ALL week.  We camped there.  All three of my children had fevers for 5 days, 2 of those were when we got 12 inches of snow.  So not only were they sick, we were home-bound.

I suppose the silver lining could be that they were all sick at the same time, and I didn’t have one sick kid a week for three weeks.  But.  It gets sort of tricky keeping track of three children’s fevers, cold medicine dosage and times, and Tylenol dosage and times.  On my counter I had a notebook, pen, cold medicine, cough suppressant to be used at night, cough expectorant to be used during the day, Tylenol Jr. for Grace and Eli, and Children’s Tylenol for Ada.  Chad was home with us Wednesday because of the snow, and he worked from home Thursday so I could work for a bit in the morning (yes, he’s that awesome).  My parents came for a planned visit that weekend.  So now there were four adults potentially giving out medicine!!  Thus, my handmade spreadsheet in my grocery notebook.

Getting back on track… survival mode.  I didn’t get to go to church Sunday, and Chad was playing drums, which meant he was gone 7:30-12:30 that morning.  When he got home, survival hinged on my getting out of the house.  I don’t cry much.  Possibly once every 1-2 months, if I’m really tired.  I cried Sunday afternoon.  When Chad got home, the only words I could muster were, “I can’t.”  So, I took a shower (that was hit and miss that week!) and left… for four hours.  When I came home I was able to love on my children again, and I wasn’t faking it.  I gave them their medicine, and didn’t flip out when they complained about the taste.  I tucked them in bed and prayed for them.  Then the next morning I PRAISED JESUS that they were back at school!!!