Wednesday Wit: September 15, 2010

Me: Ada, how was your first day of preschool??

Grace (18m) not happy to be awake
Eli (7m) thrilled to be eating

Ada: Kinda good and kinda bad.
Me: Ok, well what was kinda bad about it?
Ada: The teacher wanted me to put the trains away, but I wasn’t done playing with them!  I think I should not go back there tomorrow.

Me: Ada, Miss Toya said you’re having a hard time listening when it’s time to come in from recess.  Is that true?
Ada: Well yes, but I didn’t want her to tell you that!!

Eli shouting at a friend: Well how would you feel if I went to your house and told your mom and dad that you didn’t want to play with me?!?
(So he apparently understands empathy, he just doesn’t practice it)

Ada: It takes a lot of practice.  (then she starts giggling) I almost said  CACTUS!!
(The best part – she then whispered “cactus” and totally reminded me of Brick in “The Middle”.  It was awesome)

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