Explaining Stretch Marks

One of the side effects of losing 25 pounds (thank you WW) is that many of my pants ride a little low.  So when I stood up and stretched yesterday, my stretch marks were visible.  Ada (of course it was Ada) noticed them.

“What are these white lines on your tummy?”

Now all three children have gathered around for an impromptu and unwanted show and tell.

“Wow!  Cool!  Those look weird!  They’re kind of shiny!  What are they?”

“Well, when you have kids, your tummy gets pretty big right?  Well, when your tummy gets big like that your skin has to stretch and stretch.  When your skin stretches like that, it gets lines like this, and they’re called stretch marks.”

“Are you having another baby?”  (Thank you for THAT little gem)

“No, no I’m not.”

“Then why do you still have those lines on your tummy?”

“Because they don’t go away.  I’ll have them forever, and ever, and EVER.”

“That’s so the doctor knows where to cut you.”


“I know, Grace, you don’t have to.  But these lines aren’t where I get cut.  I’ve never been cut when I had a baby.  Don’t worry.”

Oh the conversations we mommas have…

One thought on “Explaining Stretch Marks

  1. So cute! And what a daring momma you are…. saying "I've never been cut when I had a baby"…. that COULD have led to a VERY interesting conversation with your very inquisitive kiddos!! I want to hear that one at your house! HA! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was at a conference once and the speaker (I think it was Lysa TerKeurst from Proverbs 31 ministries) said that one of her daughters saw her stretch marks, gasped, and asked if she had been attacked by a tiger!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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