Remembering to Thank Him

I’m going to do my best to make this long story short….

In November of 2007 (I believe) I started being treated for an ear infection.  In January 2008 the ear pain wasn’t better, so I was sent to an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist) who said my ears and all other tests were fine.  So he sent me to a neurologist.  He said everything was fine, and diagnosed me with neuralgia – sort of a generic “we don’t know where this pain is coming from” term.  I was starting to think I was crazy.  He started trying various types of antidepressants to treat the pain because they can raise your pain thresh hold, but I didn’t like the side effects of any of them.  So I stopped seeing him.  After two trips to the ER with terrible pain, my ENT agreed to give me Vicodin to take when I really needed to.  At some point I had another CT done and that showed some pretty bad sinus issues in 4 of my 8 sinus cavities, so I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis.  I asked for surgery, my ENT agreed.   So April 2010 I had that done, and for 6 months I was pain-free.  It was glorious!  Then the fall hit and I got a sinus infection and it was all back (including ice pick-like pain in my ears).  I had another CT done, and it showed problems in 2 sinus cavities, another ENT said I needed the surgery again.  On Good Friday Pastor Stan was praying over people at church for healing and anointing them with oil.  I asked for prayer to be healed from this.  I knew God could heal me.  I knew He might not, but I knew He could.  And I knew that if He didn’t I would still trust Him and love Him.  So I went to see my original doctor the following week and he didn’t want me to have the surgery, but try a new nasal spray.  I was irritated because I am tired of taking medicine.

BUT here’s where I realized the good part comes in.

It took us (me and my team of doctors) a while to realize that my sometimes debilitating ear pain is linked to my sinuses.  AWESOME.  We found the cause.  I love it.  Then I got this nasal spray, which I was skeptical of because I’ve had 2 or 3 other kinds before that didn’t do jack.  But I have a new one.  And if I start to feel sinus pressure or ear pain, I use this new nasal spray, and within 30 minutes (I kid you not!) the problem is gone.  In my book, this is the next best thing to a healing!  We know what causes it, and I can head it off at the pass.

A few weeks back Pastor Stan gave a message about healing, and reminded me of the story in the Bible where Jesus heals ten lepers and only one of them come back to thank Him.  I don’t want to be like those other nine.  I want to be like the one who runs back, “praising God in a loud voice.”  So here is my loud voice, hopefully reaching farther on the internet than it would on my sidewalk.

Thank you, Jesus, for providing me with medicine that stops my pain in its tracks.  Thank you, Jesus, for providing me with medicine that doesn’t require me to go to bed like the Vicodin did.  Thank you, Jesus, that I didn’t have to have the second surgery.  Thank you, Jesus, that I don’t have anything serious causing this ear pain.  Thank you, Jesus, that my doctor keeps trying until we get this figured out and won’t give up.

Thank you, Jesus!

2 thoughts on “Remembering to Thank Him

  1. Thank you for the reminder to not be one of the nine! I guess some of us think if it wasn’t literally the healing of leprasy then it wasn’t a miracle. Just being free of the excrutiating pain I had a few months ago is a miracle! All without the need for a colonoscopy…why am I not shouting from the rooftops??!! So can I just add?…. THANK YOU JESUS for my healing!!
    Love your post!!
    Kristy 🙂

    1. You most certainly can add a Praise Jesus! I’m so thankful for your freedom from pain! No matter the means, God is the Healer! I’m thankful for your healing as well, Kristy.

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