Tag Archives: Ada

Choose Your Words Wisely

When Ada gets mad, she stays there.  She sets up camp and has no intention of leaving.  Every word out of her mouth and movement of her body reflects her mood.

Normally after I pick her up from school, we get in Grace and Eli’s carpool line and I let her sit in the front with me.  Today I asked if she was buckled, she said yes, then I realize she actually wasn’t.  I told her the consequence for her lie and not being safe would be that she couldn’t sit in the front with me and would have to … Read the rest

Ada’s Conference

Last night was Ada’s Kindergarten conference, so I feel like we’re finally getting into the meat of things.  I LOVED our preschool, and the conferences are fine, but they’re more about if she can use scissors and how well she knows her shapes.

So here’s where I get to brag. 🙂  Ada is the most advanced reader in her class, and I really can’t take any credit for this.  The girl was just born smart.  She writes in complete sentences and spells really well.  She’s good at math, but doesn’t like doing it (surprise, surprise).  When asked if I had … Read the rest

Two Glimpses

This afternoon I was helping in Ada’s classroom.  At the end of the day we went outside for recess.  She was being silly on the monkey bars, and looked up at me while she was hanging upside down.  She said, “Mom, I like the way I am.  I’m glad God made me like this.”  She was very matter-of-fact, just enjoying the afternoon sunshine and the ability to hang upside down and have fun.

Oh sweet Ada, I’m glad God made you like this too.  You make me smile every day.  You confuse me and stretch me as a mom, and Read the rest

I Lost My Little Girl

We went to Pine Lake Saturday afternoon for about three hours and had a lot of fun.  Well, the ten or so minutes where we couldn’t find Ada weren’t so fun.  In the shallow part of the lake there are two kids’ slides.  Chad and I were in the water watching the kids go down the slides over and over again.  Then Chad said, “Where’s Ada?”  I looked around, not worried, this happens all the time when you’re out-numbered.  But as the seconds passed my worry grew.  Chad got out of the water and looked around the slides.  He looked … Read the rest

My Ada

At work today, I was preparing the media for Sunday and I came across some Father’s Day Quotes from two years ago.  I found this little gem from Ada:

Question: Why did God make dads?
Ada: Because God makes people.

She was three.  Three.  She’s so logical and literal.  For a long time she wouldn’t name her stuffed animals or dolls because “they’re just toys”.  Other kids answered this question with things like: To help us, and To teach us, and To love us.  Not Ada.  And she is just quick.  She has an answer for everything.  Even when
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Two Sisters, a World of Difference

Grace had her first sleepover Thursday night in preparation for five nights of church camp.  She cried and cried the night before.  I didn’t know what to do, so I called my sister Heather because they are very much alike.  They talked on the phone, and Heather asked me if she had to go to the sleepover.  It was completely logical to me that she go, I mean if she can’t handle one night at a friend’s house how is she going to handle five at camp?!?  But no, she doesn’t have to go if this is what it’s going … Read the rest

I Miss Her

Ada cracks me up, and she gets more fun all the time.
But when I run across certain pictures at certain times, they make me miss those little people I used to know.

This is Ada, three years ago.  She had all the attitude she has today in an even smaller package.  She wasn’t potty-trained yet (I don’t miss that part), she held just one finger instead of my hand, she slept in a Little Tikes toddler bed, she only liked toys that she could hold in their entirety in her teeny hand, and when she was mad she would … Read the rest