Category Archives: Parenting

Working Hard on This “Momma” Deal

I went to the Hearts at Home conference last weekend with a few friends, and I’ve been hard at work trying to implement some of the things I heard while I was there.  I heart a LOT, I’m choosing a COUPLE things that are realistic for me to work on right now.

1. I need to choose relationship above all else. This might be a paraphrase of a few lessons combined, but basically I need to pay attention to my words and tone, and make sure that I’m not sacrificing the relationship for the lesson.  I’m not saying I need … Read the rest

My Deepest, Darkest, Most Ugly Secret

Here goes.  This is tough for me.  This secret lies in the farthest corner of my heart, where it’s dark and no one is allowed.  It’s in a locked drawer.  But the problem is that I am allowed there.  And being there alone is … lonely.

I don’t love being a mom.  I don’t always love being with my kids.  Sometimes, in the deep trenches of parenting, I think Chad and I would have been perfectly happy as just the two of us.

I’ve kept the secret locked up tight because I was afraid of the judgement and suggestions I … Read the rest

An Unexpected Rough Patch

I love encouraging moms with little kids.  It’s part of my mission statement.  I especially have a soft spot for moms with kids that are close together like mine.  I didn’t know anyone personally in that situation, so I like to be available to encourage those moms whenever possible.  I always tell them that each stage gets a little easier.  Just keep going.

I feel like I’ve been stopped dead in my tracks recently.  All three of my kids have an unfortunate amount of energy that I just can’t keep up with, and can’t seem to direct or refocus.  At … Read the rest

No Crying in Target

Here’s the scene.  Chad and I are having a lovely morning/afternoon date, and we stopped in Target (as parents most often do on such occasions).  We had a big anniversary party to go to that evening (Chad’s grandparents’ 60th to be exact) and Ada had cried the day before that she didn’t have a dress fancy enough to wear.  I was feeling soft and generous, so we decided to look through the little girls’ section for a dress.  I found some I liked and looked for her size.

Wait.  These go up to 5T.  She’s a 6 now.

So we … Read the rest

Even Animals Can Do It

Breast-feeding.  Let’s just jump right into today’s topic.  It’s one of the requirements to be classified as a mammal.  Animals can do it.  It’s natural.  The female body is made for it.  But what happens when it doesn’t work?

This is a highly emotional, opinion-filled topic, and I’m not looking to get into the pros and cons, the shoulds and shouldn’ts.  I’m only going to give you my story.

I remember so vividly when Grace (my oldest) was born.  I look at my tall, skinny 9-year-old and it’s effortless to see her as the newborn who was so perfectly beautiful … Read the rest

My Own “7” Experiment

I’ve seen the book “7” by Jen Hatmaker referenced a lot on Facebook and blogs, but I’ve never felt led to try it out for myself.  Until today.  Sort of.

I once again find myself cleaning one of my children’s bedrooms in preparation for a family visit (only the room said visitors will be staying in, I’m not an overachiever in this), and I once again find myself amazed.  Today it is Grace’s room, and she is a “stuffer”.  Clean and dirty clothes alike are stuffed in nooks and crannies all over her room, so I have to assume that … Read the rest

When to Say When

Chad and I find ourselves in a parenting stage of trying to decide when to listen and explain the situation to our kids, and when to say “when”.  At some point, they’ve gone off the deep end and no amount of calm explaining will stop their near fit; you just have to say “when” and send them off to calm down in their safe place.  When where is that point?  Today I sadly find myself in the place of offering you my thoughts, but no solution.  Maybe someone out there has already figured this out.

We mostly struggle with this … Read the rest

This Stage We’re In

This stage we’re in is great.  The kids are learning to be more self-sufficient, and Chad and I are learning what we can trust them with.  They let me sleep in on Saturday mornings.  They can get themselves cereal and toaster waffles for breakfast.  I am comfortable letting them play outside without me (with boundaries and rules).  They are learning responsibilities little by little.  They are old enough to actually help me in the kitchen instead of just make a mess and think they’re helping.  If I want to take a day trip to Indy or Chicago, they are easy … Read the rest

Truth AND Grace

I need to confess a short-coming.  Well, let me go back a bit.

The other night I woke up at 2am and could NOT get back to sleep.  So after a bit I prayed, “Lord, who do I need to pray for?”  Then I waited.  Rather than getting any names, I started to think about my kids and how I’ve been frustrated with them and running in the yellow a bit (really the majority of the time) on my patience meter.  Then I got John 1:17.  Grace and truth came through Jesus.  Grace and truth need to come through me … Read the rest

Best Therapy Appointment Ever

Diving right in…

After thirty minutes of talking in the therapist’s office, we moved to the “play therapy” room per Grace’s request.  Grace gets to play in the sand table and I get to talk to the therapist. Win-win.  I told the therapist that in my weak moments I am in a place where I’m ready for Grace to be on medication because I want her to be happy.  I want her to be able to handle life.  I want her to be a care-free nine-year-old girl!  In my heart I know we aren’t ready for this, but sometimes I’m … Read the rest