Category Archives: Kids

My week with Ada – Day One

Today we dropped Grace and Eli off at Camp Lakewood for a week of playing, singing, swimming, forming new friendships, and learning more about God.  So Ada is flying solo and she told Grandma and Grandpa that she will not miss Grace and Eli while they are gone.  After we left camp however, she was very quiet but refused to admit that anything was wrong.  I gave her my iPhone to take her mind off things for a bit, and so she didn’t have to struggle to not cry (I know my girl).

We went to Culver’s for ice cream, … Read the rest

My Ada

I remember this conversation very clearly from when Ada was just three…
Me: Ada, do you want more?
Ada: silence
Me: Ada, please answer me.
Ada: I answered you with my eyes.
Me: Your eyes don’t talk.
My dad: Oh yes they do.

And they really do.  She has the most expressive eyes and eyebrows I’ve ever seen.  Her feelings are made known before she ever says a word, and she doesn’t need body language either.  It is all on her face.

This morning she made one of those faces, her “I’ve been wronged” … Read the rest

Mother’s Day from my kids

It’s rather handy that our schools do Mother’s Day projects with my kids 🙂

Eli made a four-panel card.  The outside says “Special Moments with Mom” and inside of each panel has a different moment written and drawn.  The first says “You go on dates with me” with a picture of us at Toys R Us buying some Legos.  The second says “I like to be with you” with a picture of us walking and holding hands.  The third says “I like going out with you” with a picture of us eating at Pizza Hut together.  And the fourth says … Read the rest

The boy

Eli is rebelling against boundaries right now with full force.  Of course I expect him to do this, but that doesn’t mean it’s fun to live with.  This post is mostly a picture reminder to myself of the sweet boy I’ve gotten to parent over the past almost eight years, and that I will make it through this… as I have everything else.

 … Read the rest

I should have gray hair

Me: I told you to get in bed.
Grace: I am in bed.
Me: No, you’re sitting ON your bed, playing with toys.  That’s not what I meant, and I think you know that.

Grace: Can I have dessert tonight?
Me: Not tonight.
Grace: What about candy?

Eli has learned the trick of muting the TV instead of turning it off.

Me: Ada, please stop playing with that noisy toy in the kitchen.
Ada: Is it annoying?
Me: A little.
Ada: Well, you should let kids make noise sometimes.
MeRead the rest

Oh girl…

Grace doesn’t like school.  I know most kids don’t, but this is a sometimes daily battle, and we’re back in that time.  Crying, stalling, arguing, insisting that she already knows everything… sigh.  Why don’t YOU have to go to school?  School’s no fun!  If school was fun I would pay attention.  I don’t need to go to school anymore.  Why do YOU get to do what you want all day??  Yes, THIS puts me in a good mood at 7am.

I tend to try different tactics from day to day, to see which will work.  Sometimes I’m firm, sometimes I … Read the rest

Some Recent Observations

We went to see The Lorax this weekend, and Grace had THE best laugh in the theater.  She would laugh harder and louder than anyone else in the place, and it made me smile every time.  She just truly enjoyed herself.

Eli is turning into such a sweet boy.  You know… when he’s not beating on anyone.  When I ask him to do something I’m hearing more of “Yes, mom” and less of that obnoxious whine.  He has a tender heart for younger kids – he loves to help them and protect them.

Ada actually is quite the rule-follower.  I … Read the rest

A few random photos

Here is Chad doing his burpees, which is a push up, then you stand up and jump, then repeat.  They make me light-headed.  Ada usually keeps track of how many sets he does with a clipboard but the sometimes she joins him.  I felt it was picture-worthy.  And in case you’re wondering, that’s a cut-out taped to my dresser Eli made us of him so we don’t miss him at night.

Apparently, in my home, this is where your coat goes if you decide to wear a different one. No one informed me of this policy change.  Noted.


 … Read the rest

A completely different Grace

Our church had a lock-in last night for 3rd-5th graders to give them a taste of summer camp.  Grace was excited to go, but when it was time to go she started to get a little anxious and asked if I could stay for a bit.  I assured her I would.  Then when we walked into the building and she saw many of the camp counselors from last summer, she turned into a completely different Grace.  She was loud and chatty, pointing at people and recalling events with them from last summer.  She was sarcastic and goofy.  She was confidentRead the rest

My kids amaze me

When I make myself step out of the day-to-day work of being a mom (consequences, refereeing, laundry, dishes, snacks, cooking, cleaning, bedroom disasters, flushing yet another toilet that I didn’t use) and just think about my kids and our day, I realize that they are pretty incredible, and they amaze me.  If I sit too long in “what I’m parenting through” it can get pretty discouraging, so let me encourage you to stop, breathe, and really think about your kids.  Each one of them.  Who are they?  What is their personality?  How does that translate as an adult?  As a … Read the rest