Category Archives: Just My Thoughts

On the Other Side of Moving

We’ve been in our new house for nearly two months, and to be perfectly honest, it feels like we’ve always been here.  And now, on the other side, I can sit in the peace and reflect.

Packing felt stressful, it felt like too much.  I think now that it wasn’t, it just all goes.  It all goes in a box, gets labeled, and goes.  Unpacking?  That sucks.  Do I want this?  Do I need this?  Where do I want this to live forever and ever, amen?  Can’t it just stay in a box in the attic? (I have an attic … Read the rest

Enjoying Sports in a Musical Family

I was contacted by to write a post about our family enjoying sports. is a site that sells sports apparel and merchandise, with a wide selection of baseball hats from the MLB and college.  No worries – they sell both IU and Purdue gear.  Plus all the others…

I’m not going to lie, I really had to think about a time when our family went to a sporting event together, big or small.  Now concerts.  Concerts I have in spades.


But when you live in Fort Wayne, you probably go to Tin Caps games.  That place is made … Read the rest

What if I’m Not Good Enough?

Those words.

Those words can be paralyzing.  Those words don’t discriminate.  Those words can stop you dead in your tracks.  I’ve seen those words in the eyes of my children, and I’m hearing and feeling those words deep in my being.

Chad is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to my blog, and is convinced that someday I will write a book.  He believes I could already be writing professionally.  I don’t know about all that, it’s not like I have much of a following.

I’m not fishing for pats on the back…just laying it all out there!  Maybe you’ve Read the rest


Which side of the fence are you on?

You know, those fences that somehow go up as soon as your pregnancy test shows positive.  Are you getting an epidural?  How much TV do you think a toddler should watch?  How much time should kids spend playing video games?  (PS – I totally hate the word “should”)

Those questions tend to make me feel trapped, like it’s not really a question but a means by which we are subtly judging other parents.

I’m deciding to take the fences down.  

I’m going to make a conscious decision not to ask those kinds … Read the rest

You are Enough

I hear so many moms share the struggle of having so much to do, and so little time.  I visited a neighbor who just had her third baby and said she hadn’t figured out yet letting her two- and four-year-old play outside while needing to care for a newborn.  I’ve heard others share about laundry, housework, crafts, creating special moments for their families… and on and on it goes.  There is so much on our list, from what is required in order to keep our Littles alive, to what is on Pinterest that we feel we should (but let’s be … Read the rest

Sticks and Stones

You know how it goes.  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.  The reality is that words do hurt, and their effect can last much longer than a physical injury.

There are a lot of words that swirl around in my head.  Some are true and some are not.  Some are kind and some are not.  Some are mine and some are not.  Some are godly and some are not.  I am going through some counseling right now (oh yes, I will wave that banner high), and one thing we are working on is … Read the rest

What’s Harder Than Doing My Job?

I wrote this in the beginning of December when I was sick.  I didn’t post it for fear of looking like I was writing a “poor me, I’m sick” post, but as I see more and more moms getting sick right now I thought I would put it out for what it is – a “it’s hard for moms to get sick” post.

So what’s harder than doing my job?  I’ll tell you.  It’s laying on the couch while someone else does my job.  I have mono (for the fourth stinking time, which is a whole other rant), and my … Read the rest

Even Animals Can Do It

Breast-feeding.  Let’s just jump right into today’s topic.  It’s one of the requirements to be classified as a mammal.  Animals can do it.  It’s natural.  The female body is made for it.  But what happens when it doesn’t work?

This is a highly emotional, opinion-filled topic, and I’m not looking to get into the pros and cons, the shoulds and shouldn’ts.  I’m only going to give you my story.

I remember so vividly when Grace (my oldest) was born.  I look at my tall, skinny 9-year-old and it’s effortless to see her as the newborn who was so perfectly beautiful … Read the rest

My Heart is Hurting

My heart is hurting for other moms right now.

For the single mom who doesn’t have help coming at 5:30pm every night like I do when Chad gets home.  Truly, I don’t know how she does it, and she is a hero.

My heart hurts for the mom with a new baby who can’t stop crying and doesn’t know why.  I was that mom seven years ago and I had an amazing support system, but what about the mom who doesn’t?  Or the mom who doesn’t know she needs one?  Or the mom who doesn’t have one available to her?  … Read the rest

Can This Wait?

Now that school has started, so has my new schedule.  I work on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday while the kids are at school and I’m off on Monday and Friday.  Well, off from my paying job 🙂  I chose Friday this year instead of Wednesday because I’m trying to plan on things that I know will happen anyway – like children who need to be home sick and snow days.  If those happen midweek I can just go to work on Friday instead, and hopefully I’ll be less likely to stress out.

Back the point of my post.  I’m learning the … Read the rest