Wednesday Wit: June 6, 2012

Eli: I’m starting to feel like a man!
Me: Oh yeah?  Why is that?
Eli: Because I’m really stretching out and getting tall.

Ada: Do you know Gloria on Madagascar?  When she’s a baby?  Do you know that dad?  Dad?  Do you know when Gloria’s a baby on Madagascar?  Dad?
Chad: Yes, Ada.
Ada: She has a big bottom.  I don’t like big bottoms.  Not on cartoons anyway.
Chad: But in real life is it ok?
Ada: Yeah, that’s ok.

Me: Ada, get a jacket please, it’s kind of chilly out.
Ada: UGH!  When don’t I have to listen to you anymore?!? (she was getting her jacket on at least)
Me: When you don’t live here anymore.
Ada: Well when I have kids, I won’t make them listen to what I say, except to not fight and to not say potty words.
Me: Ok, Ada.

Ada: I can’t believe I only have 2 days of school, then summer break, then I’ll be in first grade!
Me: I know!  You’re getting so big!
Ada: I know!  Soon you can barely pick me up.
