Wednesday Wit: January 4, 2012

Waitress: (to Ada) I just want to look at you!  You’re so cute!
Ada: With my bow and my glasses (she stated as fact with her head tipped to one side). 

Ada: Last night when I was sleeping with my eyes open…

Ada: I splitted the cheese!
…CUT the cheese. 

Me: Ada, there is dried up pepperoni in your bed!  That’s disgusting!
Ada: I did that when I was five.  I certainly wouldn’t do that now that I’m six.
Me: You just turned six last Monday.
Ada: I know.

Grace: Ada, stop!
Ada: Why?
Grace: Because it’s annoying!
Ada: But it isn’t annoying to me.
This seems to sum up all sibling battles that have ever occurred.  

Me: Sorry supper is late tonight.
Eli: It’s ok, mom.
Grace: It’s ok, mom.
Ada: I starved.
