Me: Ada, you’re funny.
Ada: But I won’t be when I’m a grown up.
Me: Do you know any grown ups who are funny?
Ada: Grandpa. And daddy. And sometimes you.
Me: Grace, did you take your pill tonight?
Grace: Yes.
Me: But your Thursday night pill is still in the organizer.
Grace: It is? It must have been a massage.
Me: A mirage??
Eli: Dad, how do you get around those black spiky things on the cloud world in Super Mario Brothers?
Chad: I don’t know buddy, I guess you have to jump over them.
Ada: Or maybe duck.
Chad: Or maybe goose.
Ada: Oh.
Ada: I noticed no one in my class is perfect.
Me: That’s right. No one is perfect. Except for Jesus.
Ada: And God. And God’s wife.