Chad: We’re having brownies and ice cream for dessert. But you don’t really like those.
Grace: Yes I do!
Chad: Nah.
Grace: I can take off this shirt, you know.
She was wearing her “My dad is totally awesome” t-shirt.
Ada: Wait, I don’t want to go to Culver’s for lunch. I want to go to that restaurant to the left of Culver’s.
Me: Spyro’s? That is to the left of Culver’s. Good job, Ada!
Ada: I know. I’m getting really good at left and right.
Self-confidence isn’t an issue we have to work on with her.
At Spyro’s…
Ada: That man just looked at me (looking at him out of the corner of her eye). He did it again. Why he keeps looking at me?!?
Me: Ada! Maybe you should stop looking at him! Besides, we need to go the bathroom and wash your face.
Ada: My face isn’t dirty.
She had a purple line of jelly that was three inches long on each side of her face. Everyone smiled at her walking to the bathroom. I don’t have to tell you how much that irritated her.
Ada: When moms eat a lot of food, is that how babies are made?
Me: No.
Ada: That would be weird if babies were made out of food.
We passed a hearse on the way to school…
Ada: Is that a taxi for balls?
Me: … what now?
Ada: Not the balls you play with, but the balls where you dress fancy and dance.
Me: OH! You mean a limo! No, that’s not a limo. That’s a hearse.
Conversation about funerals and cemeteries…
Ada: So that’s the car that takes you to heaven.