Wednesday Wit: May 16, 2011

Ada: I wish these geese would poop in their own place.  Where nobody is.  Like the forest.

I sent the kids to their rooms to clean, and said in 30 minutes if they weren’t making progress I would start taking toys away.
Grace: (sobbing) I can’t do it with this time pressure!  I just can’t do it!
Eli: Mom, I’m doing a good job listening.  I’m working really hard, and I’m only playing a little bit.

Ada: I’m not tattling.  I’m not!
Me: Yes, you are.
Ada: That’s true.

Ada: Daddy, I’m measuring things with your measurer.
Chad: OK, but when you’re done you have to put the measuring tape back.  If you don’t there will be a consequence.
Ada: Well, if I forget to put it back, I will say I’m sorry.
She’s just making a plan.

Ada: Mom, I took my band-aid off!  (Taking band-aids off scares her)
Me: Good job!  Where is it?
Ada: Oooo…. I don’t know.