I have no wit from this week. I know, I know. I promise I’ll try to get some up next Wednesday. Here’s my excuse.
My awesome life group is going through Boundaries for Kids and I’ve been working pretty hard at implementing some of what we’re learning in my home. I’m done nagging (almost). I’m done yelling (almost). I’m done holding their hand through simple jobs that even my young children can accomplish. I’m empowering them. I’m giving them the opportunity to succeed all on their own. And I’m worn out! (Can I get an amen?) Mothering is hard. It is exhausting. And when you’re being consistent with a new house-plan, it’s down right draining. The kids aren’t on board with my new plan yet, so… there’s still a bit of tension around here. But we’re getting there.
For instance, because I know you’re dying to find out what we’re doing around here, we did a massive overhaul on their rooms Saturday. Their rooms were so messy they couldn’t do it on their own we decided. Now their rooms look so nice! It’s really exciting for me. So now every night while I’m cooking dinner, I tell them it’s time to go pick up their rooms and make their beds. And I remind them that doing it every night ensures that another “Saturday overhaul” won’t be necessary. I finish with “I hope you’re done when dinner is ready.” Then they’re off. I don’t check on them, or yell up the stairs reminding them to clean. I just leave them be. Then I say, “Dinner is ready. You can come down if your rooms are clean.” And that’s it. If they’ve screwed around for the last 20-30 minutes, they don’t get to eat yet. They can eat when they’ve finished. And it’s awesome! It works. Of course they test the boundary from time to time, but since I have a plan, I’m calm. I have a plan. There are no better words for me when it comes to being a mom. I’m in control, without being controlling. They’re excited because their rooms are clean and they did it all by themselves. I love it.
So that one’s checked off my list. Not sure I’ll get through this “list” before they all move out. Baby steps.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Good job. Having a plan. Being in control. Not being controlling. I think you are a wonderful mom, so glad you are sharing your journey here.
Ooh, this is GOOD, Janna! As much as I could have used a "Wednesday Wit" laugh, the wisdom in this post was just as good! I love that we're on this journey together, Janna! You ARE a wonderful momma!
This philosophy reminds me so much of MAKING CHILDREN MIND WITHOUT LOSING YOUR, which I love – and work daily on implementing! But you are right, it's exhausting… but, I keep telling myself and them, "I am teaching you to be irresponsible if I continue to nag and remind you."
Happy Parenting!
it should be "yours"
Zach (hyperlink) said…
Erin said…
No Wednesday Wit??? My Wednesday was just ruined.
Thanks for making me feel bad little Carlstroms!