Dear Weight Watchers,

Sorry I missed your calls this weekend.

(Wad that paper up and throw it in the garbage).

Dear Weight Watchers,
I know you called several times this weekend, but I ignored those calls.  And I’m not really sorry.  We were so busy eating lunch at the mall’s food court, then having funnel cakes at the Johnny Appleseed Festival, then lasagna and drinks at a friend’s house, then supper at Olive Garden on Sunday.  You see, every time you called, we were busy eating somewhere and I just didn’t have the heart to answer during fun family time.  I promise to answer when you call this week, starting today.  But don’t hold your breath for Saturday.  We’re having Mexican food at another friend’s house, and I just hate taking calls when we’re with company.


PS: Please don’t misunderstand this as me being ungrateful for the 27 pounds lost so far… keep up the good work!

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