Wednesday Wit: August 11, 2010

Ada is in time out here for opening
Eli’s present without him.

Hey Mom, I want a rainbow donut, a rainbow muffin, aaaaaand a rainbow cake. OH! And a rainbow muffin holder. Can you make those for me?

Mom, I tricked everyone in town. I’m not four-and-a-half…… I’M FOUR!!!

(Ada was loudly slurping her milk at the end of her cereal, and I laughed a little.  She looked at me over her giant green bowl)
That was me. 🙂

Me: Ada, I’m tired of you talking back to me.
Ada:  Well I’m tired of YOUUUUUUU yelling at me!
(Alright, that one was less funny and got her a good talking to, but I’m thinking people NOT in charge of her character would laugh at that)