Monthly Archives: September 2013

Look At Who They are Right Now

I need to give you a bit of back story for this one…

Grace is 10 and has been lying to us about seemingly insignificant things.  This scares the snot out of me.

Eli is 9 and has some anger control issues.  And impulse control issues.  That’s a rough combination…

I have operated under the “every offense gets a consequence” system for far too long because I was always afraid of a behavior becoming a habit.  I now find myself in a bit of a panic wondering if this system of mine has caused some of these aforementioned behaviors.

I’m … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: September 18, 2013

Chad made a fart sound with his mouth…
Chad: Did you hear mom?  Oh my goodness!
Ada: Nuh-uh, mom would NEVER fart like that.  But I would.  I have!
There’s no parenting in a situation like that, just lots of laughing.

Chad found a hidden stash of popcorn in Grace’s room, then later…
Grace: I need a drink of water.  There’s something stuck in my throat.
Chad: Like popcorn?
Grace: Probably.

[subscribe2]… Read the rest