Working Hard on This “Momma” Deal

I went to the Hearts at Home conference last weekend with a few friends, and I’ve been hard at work trying to implement some of the things I heard while I was there.  I heart a LOT, I’m choosing a COUPLE things that are realistic for me to work on right now.

1. I need to choose relationship above all else. This might be a paraphrase of a few lessons combined, but basically I need to pay attention to my words and tone, and make sure that I’m not sacrificing the relationship for the lesson.  I’m not saying I need to be their friend.  But, for instance, if a recurring argument over putting laundry away ended with me yelling that Grace is lazy – it’s not worth it.  Our relationship is so much more important than her laundry.  Learning to put laundry away can wait for another day, when she is more willing and I am more calm.

2. My life gets interrupted.  I know this, and yet I struggle with it every single stinking time it happens.  When I get a call at work that a child is sick.  When someone needs me to find something but I’m already doing something.  When there is a snow day but I have plans.  I get upset every time.  At the conference, motherhood was referred to by one speaker as the “Ministry of Interruption.”  We get interrupted.  We can get annoyed, or we can expect it.  I need to learn to expect it.  My family needs me, and I need to let them in with loving, open arms.  They don’t just get to ring a bell and I run, but I think you get my point.

That’s it for now; anymore than that and the bar will be too high for me to reach.  I want to do this well.  I want them to one day think back on what they learned from me, not how they don’t want to be like me.  I want to be a safe person they can run to without fear of my reaction.  Let me tell you, I am exhausted from all of this extra trying.  BUT I see such a difference already in my attitude and my kids’.  It is worth it!
