Monthly Archives: March 2013

Wednesday Wit: Greatest Hits Vol. 1

I spent a Saturday reading through all of my old Wednesday Wit posts, and it was such a great time!  I thought I would share my favorite oldies.  There are a lot though, so there will have to be a few posts 🙂

From Summer 2010
Me: Ada, your clothes don’t match.
Ada: They don’t care.

Ada: These are my Monday clothes, and tomorrow I’ll wear my Tuesday clothes.
Me: But today is Tuesday.
Ada: Well the calendar got ahead of me, but that’s ok.

Me: Ada, can I have a bite of your … Read the rest

Puzzle Personalities

I bought a Disney Puzzle Pack this weekend that has 8 different puzzles in it, and just in time with a snow day today!  Each of the kids took a turn selecting a puzzle to do with me. They’re fairly small puzzles, so having two people work on them is about right.  We’ve done four puzzles so far, and here is an observation I made.

Ada was first, and she likes to sort the edge pieces from the inside pieces.  She also makes sure NONE of them are connected already.  That would be cheating.  She then delegates which two sides … Read the rest

Working Hard on This “Momma” Deal

I went to the Hearts at Home conference last weekend with a few friends, and I’ve been hard at work trying to implement some of the things I heard while I was there.  I heart a LOT, I’m choosing a COUPLE things that are realistic for me to work on right now.

1. I need to choose relationship above all else. This might be a paraphrase of a few lessons combined, but basically I need to pay attention to my words and tone, and make sure that I’m not sacrificing the relationship for the lesson.  I’m not saying I need … Read the rest

My Deepest, Darkest, Most Ugly Secret

Here goes.  This is tough for me.  This secret lies in the farthest corner of my heart, where it’s dark and no one is allowed.  It’s in a locked drawer.  But the problem is that I am allowed there.  And being there alone is … lonely.

I don’t love being a mom.  I don’t always love being with my kids.  Sometimes, in the deep trenches of parenting, I think Chad and I would have been perfectly happy as just the two of us.

I’ve kept the secret locked up tight because I was afraid of the judgement and suggestions I … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: March 6, 2013

Ada: Daddy, did I eat enough supper?
Chad: I don’t know, is your tummy full?
Ada: I have this much soup left.
Chad: That’s not what I asked.  Is it satiated?
Ada: (Nodding) She ated.
I think she heard, “Did it say she ated?”

Me: Ada, please take your juice to the dining room.  Red juice can’t be on the couch.
Ada: Oh!  I get it.  Because it stings.

Ada: So Grandma and Grandpa live in the country, so that means there are no United States flags?
Me: No.  The live in THE country, not in ANOTHER country. (skipping Read the rest