Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Whisper Yell

I trucked my circus to the pediatrician Monday because the Boy came home from camp with swimmer’s ear, but with his newly added sinus congestion I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a full-blown ear infection.

The tables in the exam rooms have the top that you sit on, then a bottom shelf that books are on, but where my non-ill children lay to read.  On this visit to the pediatrician’s office, the girls were on the bottom shelf reading and Eli was sitting on top.  And he was getting bored, which is immediately threat level orange.

Potty language was … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: July 31, 2013

Ada: I wish I was Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony.
Chad: So you would eat hay?
Ada: No.  Dad….
Chad: Would you poop in the street?
Ada: DAD!  No!  Ugh… Dang it.

Me: Eli, do you think you can find something to do that won’t get you in trouble? (after a long talk about terrorizing his sisters)
Eli: I don’t know….probably not.


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A Letter to My Daughter

Happy Birthday, Heather Grace!  Ten years ago I was blissfully in labor with a wonderfully face, sleeping 2strong epidural.  At 6:15am on Monday, July 28, 2003 I became a momma to the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.

You slept well, you were happy, you followed all of the Baby Wise instructions.

You were musical before you could talk – whistling before you were one, singing a melody before you could talk, clapping on two and four better than most adults.

And just like that you’re a preteen.  I actually had to google that to verify.  I’ve never been the parent … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: July 24, 2013

I’ve been alone with Ada this week…

Ada: I wish Grace and I were twins.  Then we would have the same birthday, the same color eyes, dress the same, and wear the same headdresses.
Me: What’s a headdress? (curious if she actually knew)
Ada: It’s a dress.
Me: Oh.
Ada: Wait, wait, wait.  It’s what you wear in your hair.

After shopping at Target for her 7 1/2 birthday party since I can’t get my act together for a Christmas-time party
Ada: I think I should try this out.
Me: The birthday sash?… Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: July 17, 2013

Chad and the kids were watching The Muppet Movie, and Miss Piggy was singing “Never Before”
Grace: She needs to work on that ending.

Ada: What are you watching?
Me: Jimmy Fallon.  The grown-ups just talk.
Ada: That’s boring.

Ada: I don’t want to be selfish, I WAS already baptized.

[subscribe2]… Read the rest

My Three Very Different Children

I dropped my kids off at grandma and grandpa’s house so 1) I could have some respite, 2) grandpa could get the time with them he’s been asking for, and 3) the kids could have lots of outside time and some respite of their own.

As I left, here were the responses from my three very different children:

Grace: When is mom leaving?  I’m ready for some time without her.
Eli: Stop kissing me.
Ada: Don’t leave!  I will miss you!  Why can’t I come with?? (with lots of tears)

I’ve had four phone calls so far from my homesick … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: July 3, 2013

Ada: I saw an angel-winged monkey dressed like a janitor!  You do not see that every day.
(on the cover of Oz: The Great and Powerful)

Ada: What’s that Chinese chicken called again?
Me: Mongolian beef?
Ada: Yeah!  Can you make that tomorrow night?

Reading the nutrition label on her cereal the morning after vomiting…
Ada: I feel like I haven’t been eating enough fiber.  Maybe that’s why I got sick.


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