Monthly Archives: January 2013

Even Animals Can Do It

Breast-feeding.  Let’s just jump right into today’s topic.  It’s one of the requirements to be classified as a mammal.  Animals can do it.  It’s natural.  The female body is made for it.  But what happens when it doesn’t work?

This is a highly emotional, opinion-filled topic, and I’m not looking to get into the pros and cons, the shoulds and shouldn’ts.  I’m only going to give you my story.

I remember so vividly when Grace (my oldest) was born.  I look at my tall, skinny 9-year-old and it’s effortless to see her as the newborn who was so perfectly beautiful … Read the rest

My Own “7” Experiment

I’ve seen the book “7” by Jen Hatmaker referenced a lot on Facebook and blogs, but I’ve never felt led to try it out for myself.  Until today.  Sort of.

I once again find myself cleaning one of my children’s bedrooms in preparation for a family visit (only the room said visitors will be staying in, I’m not an overachiever in this), and I once again find myself amazed.  Today it is Grace’s room, and she is a “stuffer”.  Clean and dirty clothes alike are stuffed in nooks and crannies all over her room, so I have to assume that … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: January 23, 2013

Me: I’ll see you at 3:30!
Eli: Why 3:30?
Me: Because that’s when you get out of school.
Eli: When does school start?
Ada: Monday, of course.

Me: Who went potty and didn’t flush?
A unanimous shout of “Not me!” from all three children.
Me: One…
Eli: I swear mom, it wasn’t me!
Grace: Mom, I’m not lying.
Ada: Well, it wasn’t me either, but I’ll flush it anyway.

[subscribe2]… Read the rest

When to Say When

Chad and I find ourselves in a parenting stage of trying to decide when to listen and explain the situation to our kids, and when to say “when”.  At some point, they’ve gone off the deep end and no amount of calm explaining will stop their near fit; you just have to say “when” and send them off to calm down in their safe place.  When where is that point?  Today I sadly find myself in the place of offering you my thoughts, but no solution.  Maybe someone out there has already figured this out.

We mostly struggle with this … Read the rest

My Heart is Hurting

My heart is hurting for other moms right now.

For the single mom who doesn’t have help coming at 5:30pm every night like I do when Chad gets home.  Truly, I don’t know how she does it, and she is a hero.

My heart hurts for the mom with a new baby who can’t stop crying and doesn’t know why.  I was that mom seven years ago and I had an amazing support system, but what about the mom who doesn’t?  Or the mom who doesn’t know she needs one?  Or the mom who doesn’t have one available to her?  … Read the rest

Understanding Ada’s World

Ada’s world is very black and white.  Rules exist, she knows all of them, and she expects you to follow them.  However, she is a master of finding loopholes and she will jump through them all the live long day until she is caught.  Unless she is explicitly told NOT to do something, in her world, that means she CAN do it.  She has taught me to be very clear and thorough when giving instructions.

Today after school, Eli came to the car in tears.  Ada had tricked him into talking in the carpool line so he has to pull … Read the rest

Wednesday Wit: January 9, 2013

Ada: How old are you?
Grandpa: 59
Ada: Oh my gosh!  You’re going to die soon!
Grandpa: (laughing) I hope not!  But when I do, I’ll go to Heaven.
Ada: I know.  With God.
Grandpa: And do you know who else?
Ada: Grandpa Lyle.
Grandpa: And do you know who else? (looking for Jesus as an answer)
Ada: Well, someday me.

Ada: Adventures in Lalaloopsy Land!
Eli: The Avengers are in Lalaloopsy Land?
If only…

Chad: Did you make apple cider?
Me: Yes.
Chad: Oh. It smelled like apple pie.
Me: Sorry.  Do you want apple pie now?
Chad: Yes.… Read the rest

This Stage We’re In

This stage we’re in is great.  The kids are learning to be more self-sufficient, and Chad and I are learning what we can trust them with.  They let me sleep in on Saturday mornings.  They can get themselves cereal and toaster waffles for breakfast.  I am comfortable letting them play outside without me (with boundaries and rules).  They are learning responsibilities little by little.  They are old enough to actually help me in the kitchen instead of just make a mess and think they’re helping.  If I want to take a day trip to Indy or Chicago, they are easy … Read the rest