Wednesday Wit: December 14, 2011

Eli: I’ll have a corn dog for lunch.  And if we don’t have any corn dogs, then my back-up plan will be McDonald’s.  Well, let’s just get McDonald’s.

Zach was baby-sitting one night, and was giving Ada a glass of water before bed.  This is a paraphrase as best as I can remember…
Ada: I want more water.
Zach: You can have more water after you drink that.
Ada: I’m not drinking this until I have more water!
Zach: I’m not giving you more water until you drink that.
Ada: (hands on hips) I won’t stop yelling until you give me more water!
Zach: Well you don’t have to yell.
I have to tell you, this story irritates me.  She’s not like this with me because she knows there will be a consequence, and I don’t like that she thinks she can get away with it with a baby-sitter.  But the Carlstroms think it’s hilarious, so maybe others who aren’t in charge of her character will too.

Me: We bought your Christmas present today!
Ada: Thanks!  What is it?
Me: I’m not telling you, silly.
Ada: Can I open it?
Me: No!
Chad: (laughing) Oh Ada.
Ada: I mean it!
Chad: I know you do!  You’re funny.
Ada: No I’m not.  I’m serious.  Is it big?
Chad: It’s Ada-sized.
Ada: Well… I’m big.
Chad: You’ll like it, don’t worry.

Ada: This paper isn’t obeying.

I asked Eli to correct two of his math problems
Eli: OK.  I wasn’t really using my mind on those.

Ada: Pigs make really good bacon.